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Draco's pov

It's been 3 weeks and today is the day I head back to hogwarts. Over winter break I have gotten pretty close with pansy Parkinson since her father and my father are close. I don't think I have feelings for her but I think she just uses me for make out sessions and other activities.

I walk onto the train pansy is in front of me blaise and theo are following. They don't really approve of pansy but they deal with her. I have tried so hard to forget about opheila but everytime I kiss pansy I can't help but compare her to O. We are walking up the corridor to look for a compartment. When Pansy stops at one compartment where she slides the door open and I see opheila sitting with her legs propped up on the bench acrossed from her. Her eyes are closed but she's not asleep because I saw her jump when we opened the door.

Pansy makes her way forward as far as she can until opheila's legs block her from making it any further. Pansy extends her foot and pushed opheila's legs off the bench making them smack the floor making her body lurch forward. Her whole body tenses she wencies and her arm comes up to cradle her stomach. Her eyes squeeze shut and her other hand comes up to rub her forehead. "What the fucks wrong with you Parkinson?"she says as she stands up slowly. I can tell she has more of an attitude now. She glares at pansy "your legs were blocking my way"pansy says with a snotty tone while sitting down next to the window.

I look at the way opheila's holding her self she looks like she's in pain. I walk over to pansy and sit next to her even if what she did was wrong. Opheila looks over towards theo and blaise and gives them a small smile before sitting down slowly hissing and grabbing her side. I can tell Blaise and theo notice what I notice just by the looks on their faces.

Theo is sitting next to opheila and blaise is sitting next to me. Pansy leans over towards me and wispers "i think she's using a charm to cover something up I can sense it" I look over at her trying to understand what she means. I see her pull her wand out and holding it low so no one will see. Before I can stop her she mutters "detect magic" moving her wand in opheila's direction.

Opheila is leaning on theos shoulder and he is leaning on the window. They are basically friends again since the whole incident on the train three weeks ago. I watch opheila waiting for the spell to take affect she is in a short sleeve black crop top and ripped blue jeans with her robe laying over her lap.

I look at her hands and track my eyes up her arms that have now started to get a little discolored. She has bruises all up and down her arms and I move my gaze up to her face she has a black eye, a busted lip and there is a bruise that wraps around her neck with four distinct finger prints. My eyes shift over to blaise but he is already looking at me with a shocked look on his face. "Oh my God" pansy shrieks louder than normal. Opheila's eyes snap open to meet mine as well as theos.

She looks at the three of us while we stare at her. Theo looks down at her to try to find out what we are looking at and his eyes widen."why are you all staring at me?"she asks. Turning her head to look at Theo who happens to have his back towards the window so she is facing it. I can tell as soon as she sees her reflection in the window her whole face drains of color her hands start to shake and she stands up grabbing her robe to pull on over her shoulders.When she lifts her arms to wrap the robe around her the crop top she is wearing rides up more than it already does showing black and purple skin all the way around her torso."umm..I have to use the" she says putting her head down and walks out of the compartment.

"Oh no now I feel bad for kicking her feet... do you think i hurt her?"pansy questions from beside me."no shit you hurt her did you not see the bruises" theo says while rubbing his forehead. "How long do you think he's been doing it?" Blaise asks. "Most likely since the day we left for Christmas break"i say. "Who?" Pansy asks looking at the three of us. "Her dad" we all say together.

The door slides open and opheila walks in looking like she did the when I first saw her. She must have put the charm back on. She lowers herself slowly down onto the bench beside theo throwing her head back to look at the ceiling groaning as she holds her stomach. "Everyone in this room will keep their fucking mouth shut and not tell anyone what they just it?"she says her voice colder than I have ever heard it.  "So why does your dad hit you?" Pansy asks. Me and the two boys look at her with furrowed eyebrows wondering why the hell she would ask a stupid question like that.

"Oh great you fucking told her...." she groans standing up "I dont know pansy why don't you ask him i mean I would do it for you but you know with being thrown around the room by an imperius curse it's kind of hard to start a conversation" now shouting im sure the people in the other compartments can hear her. "Hey these walls aren't very thick I'd watch what you say" I warn trying to calm her down but it did the opposite. "Oh it doesn't matter anymore....pansy knows maybe I should just go on and let everyone know before she gets the chance to tell them" she says gesturing towards pansy.

She swings open the compartment door steping out into the hallway. "Hey just letting everyone kno-" she's shouting before I get the chance to cover her mouth while theo,Blaise and I drag her back into the compartment. She turns towards us now we are all standing "or you know I could tell them something that would make all of them hate me...I could very well become one of the most hated people at hogwarts with just two sentences and you know what else sounds really fun at the moment letting them in on our little secret draco wouldn't it be fun to be hated together..." she says with a fake pouty face that turns up into a big smile that holds no humor. I think she is having a mental break down.

She backs up slowly towards the exit. Theo starts to make his way towards her but she pulls her wand out pointing it at all of us. She steps out into the corridor looking both ways. "You know it only takes two sentences malfoy and we go down in flames" she shouts narrowing her eyes at me "I could let everyone on this Goddamn train know what kind of mosters we are before you even step foot over the threshold that separates this corridor from that compartment" she says making panic flood my chest. I'm now wondering if she would actually do it considering the emotionless expression on her face.

She lowers her wand and stumbles backwards until her back collides with the wall behind her making her wince a little. "But I won't just for your sake" she says and starts walking down the corridor. Me and the three others walk out to watch her walk away and notice all the heads popping out of the compartments down the hall.

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