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Ophelia's pov
After finishing my shower I slip on a black long sleeve crop top and jeans throwing my robe on over my outfit. I didn't have to share my dorm room with anyone because my father. I guess he can be useful for some things.

I take a seat on my dark green silk sheets on my bed. I put my elbows on my knees and rest my head in my hands. I squeeze my eyes shut thinking of what the girl downstairs said to me. So people think that i shagged draco?I was puking my guts up on the bathroom floor not sleeping with malfoy.

Why would people think I slept with him? Unless he was telling people that.

I get up off my bed and use a drying charm on my hair.I step in the bathroom and put on mascara and grab my books and head out for my first class of this year.

Defense against the dark Arts was first we shared this class with Gryffindor. I don't know who thought it would be a good idea to put two houses that hated each other in the same room for a hour every day but they were stupid. Professor snape was our teacher he was a little intimidating if i do say so myself. I take a seat at the back of the class on a stool.

I hear a screeching sound of metal against the floor. It was the same brown haired boy with glasses that helped me find the train. He takes a seat on the stool next to me.He turns to me and says

"Is it true what malfoy is saying?"I look back at him with furrowed eyebrows. "Now what is it that draco is saying?"I ask in a rude tone.

He looks at me with a nervous look "that you two slept together in the bathroom stall"he says while rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"No,of course it isn't true and even if it was why would it be any of your business?" I almost shout trying to keep my cool. He looks at me with almost sad eyes and the classroom door swings open and in walk draco,blaise and theo. They sit down in front of us with their backs facing me. As soon as they take a seat the door to snapes office opens and he comes out of it.

Draco looks over his shoulder at me and whispers"so are you friends with potter now?"he says with a smug look on his face. I roll my eyes and ignore him until the end of class it is basically just an intro to what we will be doing all year.I make my way out into the hallway to feel a hand grip my shoulder turning me around to face draco.

He looks at me and says "you didn't answer my question anderson!"with a smirk on his face. "I just want to know why you are telling everyone we slept together in the bathroom?" I say with anger in my voice.

Draco's pov

When the words fell out of her mouth I felt a ping of hurt in my heart and my face dropped. If looks could kill i promise you I would be six foot under right now.

Shes standing there with her arms crossed looking at me waiting for me to say something. I feel a hint of jealousy at the back of my mind when I think of her sitting next to potter in that classroom and it makes me angry.

"So what if I did tell people that you let me shag you?" I say damn well knowing I hadn't told anyone that and knowing nothing happened between us in that bathroom last night. I see that look that was once anger turn into sadness. I don't know why I said that I was just angry.

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