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Opheila's pov

We lay on my bed the silk sheets pulled up over our bodies. My head rests on his bare chest as my pointer finger traces the muscles on his stomach. His arm is wrapped around my waist as he draws circles on my lower back with his thumb.

"What is your task?" I ask my voice low and steady. I see his chest rise like he's taking a deep breath to prepare himself. "I have to kill Dumbledore" he says as he rests his chin on my head. My heart hurts for him he shouldn't have to do this. He deserves so much better."what is yours?" He asks as I listen to his raspy voice echo in his chest. "I have been mending the vanishing cabinet in the room of requirements to the one in borgin and burkes. I have to let the rest of the death eaters in hogwarts in two days" I mumble as I close my eyes.

"So is that what you have been up to while skipping classes?" He asks moving my hair out of my face. "Mmhum" I mumble my eyes are starting to feel heavy and my hand stops tracing his abs and I give into the darkness.

Draco's pov

She lays on my chest her hair flowing over her bare shoulder. She is so beautiful even with her pale skin and dark under eye bags. She looks like she has had a bad couple of days. I wish I could take all her pain away and keep her from ever getting hurt again. I can't help her and the thought of that makes my chest hurt.

She deserves so much more than what she has. I want to give her the life she has always wanted. The house out in the middle of no where kids running around with my blond hair and her green eyes. It all sound so perfect. I crave to be with her and have that kind of life.


I wake up to an empty bed. I sit up and search the room with my eyes. She isn't here. I get out of bed and find my clothes. I get dressed and make my way out of her dorm room. I go down to the common room and look for her but only spot a few slytherins I don't know.

I exit the common room and start looking around the coordiors. I stop walking when I spot opheila's slender body reaching above her head for a book on the library book shelf.

I slowly walk up behind her "need any help?" I ask she jumps slightly at my words, but when she turns around to see it's me she relaxes. A huge smile breaks out acrossed her face when our eyes meet.

"Yes, actually I do" she says as she points to the book she needs. I pull it down off of the top shelf and look at it "mending objects for rookies". She snaches the book out of my hand and walks over to the table in the back corner of the library. She sits down and opens the book and continues to read. I take a seat beside her watching as she flips the pages.

"How close are you to finishing this?" I ask gesturing to the whole cabinet thing. "I have a few more touches to do, it should be ready by tomorrow" she mumbles as she writes notes on what she is reading. Tomorrow is when I have to follow through with my task.

I have to take another person's life tomorrow.

"Is tomorrow when you have to let the rest of the deatheaters in?" I ask quietly so no one could accidentally overhear. She nods her head as her leg bounces under the table and her fingers shake her pen. I put my hand on her thigh making her movement stop as her eyes meet mine. "Just breathe and calm down everything will be okay" I tell her as she leans most of her body weight on me as she let's out a sigh.

"I can't do it draco! How am I supposed to do this? I have grown to love the people here and now I'm supposed to just let them get killed" she mumbles as I pull her into my chest. "You have to O or he will kill you!" I wisper into her hair as I feel tears burning the back of my eyes. "But what if I just don't do it and let him kill me!" She says not even hesitating with her words. My heart drops to the pit of my stomach knowing that she is even thinking that way.

"Don't say that!" I snarl as I cup her face with both of my hands pulling her head back to look at me. "But wouldn't it be better for just one person to die rather than hundreds?" She asks as I see the sheen of unshead tears on her eyes. "No don't even think about it! Do you hear me? You are worth so much more to me than hundreds of people I don't know!" I growl as I lay my forehead against her's. There is no way I am going to let her sacrifice herself for anyone.

She closes her eyes as she breathes shakely and her bottom lip trembling. "I love you" she wispers as I pull her lips into mine.

Opheila's pov

I'm standing infront of the large cabinet as I feel my stomach churn. I'm not letting these monsters into this school to kill or hurt any of the friends I have made over the past year.

I look at the cabinet one more time before bringing my wand up and pronouncing the expulso curse. Peices of cherry wood fly in every different direction barely missing me. I squint my eyes shut as the wind off of the explosion blows my hair backwards.

I open my eyes to see a pile of wood on the floor. Not in the shape of a cabinet anymore. There is no possible way for them to get into hogwarts now. Voldomort is just going to have to kill me. Relief and panic sets up camp in the pit of my stomach.

There is no going back now.

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