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Opheila's pov

I haven't seen draco since the night of the party. I can't stop thinking about how his rough hands felt against my bare thigh. He drives me crazy and I shouldn't have led him on in the stair well. I miss him so much and having him so close to me I just caved.

I herd that Katie bell was cursed and is in the hospital wing. We have never been friends but she has never done anything for me not to like her. I am now standing in the room of requirements working on this stupid cabinet. I can not get the two cabinets to mend and it pisses me the fuck off.

I slam the cabinet door shut and stomp out of the room of requirements. I cannot stop thinking about how all of these people could die because of me. This stupid mark on my arm has caused me so much trouble. I take a right and head towards the bathroom. I walk over to the sink and turn the water on. I start scrubbing at the ink that is occupying my left arm.

It's not working it won't come off I start to use my nails to scratch at the marked skin. I'm panicking I'm going to be the reason so many people get hurt. My vision starts to blur and tears slide down my cheeks. I hear a creaking noise come from behind me. My head snaps around to see draco standing in the door way his chest heaving up and down like he's having a panic attack.

I turn back around towards the sink and continue scrubbing. I hear footsteps coming closer to me "draco it won't come off...I'm never going to be able to live the life I want.... I want to have kids and live in a cottage out in the middle of no where.. I can't get it off  It won't-" I start babbling. Then I feel a hand grab mine and gently pull it backwards away from my mark. "You have to stop your making yourself bleed"he says in a calming voice.

I turn to look at him right in his grey eyes. My legs are against the cold porcelain and his back is towards the door. Over his shoulder I see the door creak open and harry steps into room. His wand is aimed right at draco's back. I grab his shoulders and pull him towards the floor seeing a blue light fly over our heads. It slams into the pipes behind us cold water hits my back as it sprays into the air and covers the floor.

Draco stands up and I stand up behind him my hair sticking to my cheek from the water. "What is your problem potter?" Draco says throwing his hands into the air. I see Harry lifting his wand again and instincts kick in I push draco to the side causing him to trip on his own feet. I feel pain erupt in my chest  and my back hit the floor.

Draco's pov

Her body hits the floor that is covered in water up to my ankles. I crawl over towards her she has lacerations all up her torso. Blood seeping through the white button up she is wearing. Her chest is heaving up and down extremely fast. She is looking up into my eyes as tears coat her bottom eyelashes.

"" she says between deep breaths I put my hands over the open wounds as the crimson blood runs through my fingers and down into the water swirling around us. Her eyes start to close and I feel her breathing starts to slow under my hands. I lift my blood coated hand up to her pale cheek "hey O you have to keep your eyes open for my....ok?" I say I cannot lose her she can't leave me.

"Potter I swear I am going to kill you" I scream causing harry to scurry out of bathroom. Rage overtakes me why did he do that?I look back down at her to see her eyes closed. "Opheila...hey baby open your eyes please don't go" I say  while shaking her face in my hand. I feel hands grip my shoulders and pull me off of her. I look up to see snape pointing his wand at her and muttering some spell under his breath.

The blood that was in the water retracts and makes it's way back towards her body. snape orders me to pick opheila up and pack her to the hospital wing. I lay her limp body slowly on the white sheets. I back out of the hospital wing and down the hallway.

My blood boils thinking about what harry did to her. He was aiming for me it should have been me. I walk into the great hall everyone's heads turn to stare at me covered in opheila's blood. I spot harry sitting at the Gryffindor table and i make my way over to him, he is looking up at me with wide eyes. I grab him by the collar of his shirt picking his feet up off of the ground and slam him against the wall.

"You could have fucking killed her what were you thinking?" I shout at him. " I-i didn't know what the spell did..I- I didn't mean to hurt her" he stutters. "Who the fuck uses a spell and doesn't know what the fuck it does?" My fist soon meets his face sending his glasses flying acrossed the floor. I feel my self being pulled away from harry as his body falls to the floor. Theo has one arm while Blaise holds the other pulling me out of the great hall as I fight against them"if you go anywhere near her ever again potter I will kill you hear me I will fucking kill you" I shout as I'm being pulled into the corridor.

They shut the big great hall door behind us and are looking at me very concerned. "What happened? where's opheila?" Blaise asks looking at theo and then at me. I run my blood stained hands through my hair while pacing back and forth. "He came charging into the bathroom an-and he tried to hit me with that curse an-and she pushed me out of the way and it hit her instead sh-shes in the hospital wing" I stutter trying to get my words out all I can think about is losing her.

"We should go see her in the hospital wing wait for her to wake up" theo says me and blaise nod our heads and we make our way up the stairs towards where opheila is.

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