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Opheila's pov

I walk out of the great hall my eyes stinging and my hands shaking. It hurts so much to see the pain in his eyes when I said thoes things. I didnt mean any of them I just have to make him stay away from me.

It hurts to be around him knowing I could be putting him in danger. I can just be mean to him and he will eventually leave me alone,right?

I walk into my dorm and I run my hands over my face letting the tears silently spill over. I want to see him and I want him to hold me so bad but I just can't stomach the thought of him being taken away from me forever.

I want his lips back on mine and his hands back where they belong. But I know if I try to be around him and not be mean I will only cave and let him back in.

When i was with him it was like I had a balloon in my chest and I always felt so light and airy almost like I was floating ,now I feel like someone has taken a push pin to that balloon and and I am falling and my chest weighs a thousand pounds. I can't breathe. I can't function. I have always said I would never become one of those girls that can't survive without a boy.

But he made me feel different he was different. So I guess I am now one of those girls but I can't go pining after him asking for his forgiveness I have to make him stay away even if it breaks my heart.

I look at the calender on my bed side table and it shows that we only have a week until winter break. Just the thought of going home makes bile rise in the back of my throat. For a moment I think its making is way back down but then I rush to the bathroom and spill the contents of my stomach in to toilet while holding my hair back.

I pull myself together and brush my teeth. When I go home my father is going to expect me to to be at least half way done with my task but im not and there is no way it is going to happen in the span of a week.

After I leave my dorm I head to the room of requirements where I plan to spend all my free time catching up on wasted time.

Draco's pov

It's the day after O went off on me, Blaise and theo in the great hall and I haven't seen her since. I sit at the slytherin table with Blaise and theo while we are eating breakfast I don't see her anywhere. I look over at the two boys acrossed from me and they are also scanning the hall looking for her.

Theo looks over at me with a look of realization,fear and anger in his eyes. "You know i just realized we only have about a week left until winter break! She has to go back to her dad" he says and my heart drops I haven't even thought of that until he mentioned it. All year I just thought she was safe because she was at hogwarts away from him and now I realize she isn't going to be at hogwarts.

Maybe I should ask her to come stay at the mannor with me i hop up out of my seat and go to the common room. I am now Looking for opheila I don't see her in the common room so I head to her dorm I knock a couple of times but she doesn't answer. I turn around to head back to the great hall to ask Blaise and theo for help.

"Guys I need help finding opheila will you help me look?" I say slapping them on the shoulders. They nodd and we go our separate ways I head towards the courtyard theo heads towards the library and Blaise takes the greenhouse. I look around the cort yard and don't see opheila anywhere. I turn around and am now looking for Blaise,theo and opheila. I'm about to turn right to head away from the library when I hear "Theodore nott if you don't put me down this instant I swear I will hex you" I turn and sprint down the hallway to see opheila holding onto the door frame and theo has his arms wrapped around her waist pulling her trying to get her to release.

"But draco wants to ta-" he trys to say but she cuts him off. "I don't give a fuck what malfoy wants not let go of me Theodore" she she says while grunting and pulling herself closer to the door way. He lets go of her when he sees me.

"Thank merlin you are here.... mate you can have her she kicked me in my bloody shin when I tried to lead her to yo-" theo says but is once again cut off.

"You didn't try to lead me..... you tried to drag me theo there is a big difference" she says while turning around and slapping him on the back of the head. He winces and rubs his head messing his hair up. "I'm going to go tell Blaise we found her she's all yours" he says walking away.

"I need to talk to you" I say as I walk towards her and she starts walking the other way. "So I herd" she says with a scoff. I walk up behind her and pretend not to hear the scarsam in her voice.

"So I was wondering if maybe you would want to come and stay at the manner with me this winter instead of going home?"I ask as she comes to a complete stop in front of me causing me to collide with her back. Just that little bit of contact and I get shivers.She turns around and looks up at me and  her big green eyes have dark circles under them and she almost looks sick. She is so pale her lips are the same shade as the rest of her face.

"Thanks for the offer malfoy but I don't need sympathy from you" she says with tears rimming the edge of her eyes. "It's not sympathy I just know what you have to go home to and no one should have to live like that" I say trying to help her understand.

"No you don't understand malfoy you just assume that you know what my life is like" she says pointing her finger at my chest. " you see my bruises and think you know the whole story but you don't so just say out of it and leave me alone" she shouts letting one tear escape and run down her cheek. She starts to walk away in the other direction.

"OK fine then I'm done being nice to you just go back to living your  miserable life with your abusive father and don't come running to me for help" I shout turning in the opposite direction she did and storming off to find theo and blaise.

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