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Blaise's pov

Theo and i are still sitting in the great Hall. Draco and O have been gone forever.

"Do you think we should go check on them?" Theo says

"Yeah, I think we should!"i respond.

Me and theo exit the great Hall and i think maybe they went to the dorms. So I turn to walk to the stair case and see the back of draco's
head. Theo is already making his way towards him.

"Draco wait up."I say

Theo is closer to him than me and when draco turns around theo stops walking."what did you do to her?"Theo says. I jog to catch up to the two boys to see what's going on.

Theo is looking at his hands I look down to see blood running down his arms and dripping off his fingers. Draco's head tilts up to look at us his eyes are wide.

"Are you ok? What happened?"i ask.

"Im ok it's not my blood".
Where is o at?Did she get hurt? because shes not with him. Draco's mouth open like hes trying to say something.

"Uhh Anderson is in the hospital wing "he says

"Is she ok?"theo asks.

Draco says"I-i need to get her blood off of me and then I will tell you what happened."

He turns his back to us and starts walking to the dorms. We enter the common room it wasn't that late so there was people in there still. Draco didn't even pay attention to the stares he got.

He walks up the stairs towards his dorm and swings the door open he makes his way into the bathroom and i can hear the sink running. Me and theo sit on his bed and wait for him to come out. The water stops running.

He steps out and pulls a new white button up out of his dresser and throws it on. He looks down at the floor while buttoning up his shirt.

"I followed her to the restroom and heard her vomiting inside so i thought I would help hold her hair or something."

He said looking confused and running his hand through his hair.

"She stood up after she stopped puking and run her hair throughout her hair. when she pulled it out her hand was covered in blood and then she passed out and i carried her to the hospital wing."

Draco's pov

Blaise and theo are looking at me with their mouths dropped open and and their eyes are huge.I hope they believe me and don't think I actually hurt her.

"We were with her the whole day there is no way she busted her head open without us noticing!"Theo said with a angry tone

"You git that means it happened before she got on the train!"Blaise slaps Theo on the shoulder.

"So that means she has been walking around all day with her head like that?"i question.

Blaise says "yeah that explains the blood on her shirt!"

How has this girl been walking around all day long with her head cracked open? She has been hurting and she hasn't said a word about it.

"She has completely played it off as if she wasn't in pain all day!"Theo says.

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