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Opheila's pov

I'm standing in the same spot in the street where my father gave me my dark mark. A shadow appears in the depths and is making its way towards me. My fathers twisted features come into view and I can almost smell the stench of alcohol from where I am standing. He takes a few steps closer to me and soon enough he's putting his hand on my shoulder. Sending uncomfortable shivers down my spine. He pulls me closer so his mouth is right by my ear his grip tightening on my shoulder is starting to hurt.

"if you don't start working on your task very soon the dark lord is going to have to give you a little push." He says with an evil laugh "he is going to take something very important away from you if you don't start taking this seriously" when those words leave his mouth I immediately know he is talking about draco. I have nothing else to lose he is the only thing that actually matters to me. I feel ny chest start to tighten and I can't breathe everything is closing in on me.

I sit up with a gasp of air and my hand on my chest. My heart is beating so hard I think it is going to break my ribs. My rapid breathing Is accompanied by sobs that sneak past my lips. I can't trust that this was just a dream I can't lose draco if it wasn't. I throw my silk emerald green sheets off of me. I exit my dorm not caring that it is dark outside and probably past curfew. I have to figure out my task to keep draco safe. When I'm with draco he takes my mind off of everything and I forget about my task and all of the hard things in my life. Maybe I should avoid him for awhile I don't want him roped into this mess. If he gets hurt it will be my fault and I wouldn't be able to live with that.

I have read about the room of requirements and the vanishing cabinets a little last week when I got the chance. But I have never really gotten the chance to actually look for the room. It is supposed to show its self when one needs it the most. So maybe I should just walk the halls and hope desperately that it shows its self. I am now making my way down each hall carefully to make sure mr.filch and his evil little cat don't catch me.

I am slowly walking down a corridor and I hear a sound that makes my heart drop a tiny meow from behind me. I turn around slowly to see mrs.norris standing at my feet. She turns and runs around the corner to most likely tell filch that I'm out after curfew.

I start backing up panic filling my chest. I'm about to make a break for it and start sprinting when I look to my right and see two tall brown doors that look like the great hall entrance. But i swear they were not there a second ago. I open the door carefully and slip inside resting against the wall relief flooding over me.

Draco's pov

I need to talk to opheila today about all the questions I have. About why she has the dark mark and if we are officially a couple or not. Because the other night she called me her boyfriend and I need to know if we are dating. I think we are but im not positive.

I am sitting at our breakfast table with Blaise and theo waiting on O to show up. I am spreading jelly on my toast when Blaise says"whats her problem? are you to fighting or something?" The question is directed at me. I look up at him with furrowed eyebrows because I honestly don't know what he's talking about. Theo nods his head towards the end of the table where opheila sits. She's separated from us by at least 10 people.

Why didn't she sit with us? There is enough room we saved a seat for her.
"No we aren't fighting we were fine yesterday" I say looking at her while she shoves a salad around on her plate.
"Well she doesn't look to happy mate maybe we should talk to her" theo says while shoving a crescent roll into his mouth. I still have no clue why she would be mad at me I didn't do anything I don't think.

"Go talk to her Blaise she likes talking to you about random shit" theo says slapping him on the shoulder. He stands up and makes his way over to sit acrossed from her. She glances up at him just to look right back down at her plate blaise is saying something but i can't hear what he's saying she mumbles a few words back but doesn't look back up.

He stands up and walks back towards us and sits down. Shaking his head he says" she told me to leave her alone so apparently she isn't just mad at you malfoy"

Theo stands up and confidently walks over towards her sliding down beside her on the bench. I can't see her lips because his head is blocking her so I don't know if anything is being said.

He turns around and has droopy shoulders and a pout on his lips. He slouches down next to Blaise. "She told me that if we don't leave her alone she would shove her wand up our as-"
"OK we get it she's mad dont finish that sentence" Blaise cuts him off.

I can't believe she's mad at us what did we ever do to her. I sand up and stalk over to her and take a seat beside her straddling the bench. "Whats your problem? Why are you being so rude? Did we do something to you?" I ask frustration building in my chest. "I'm not mad at you all I just in a bad mood so just go away malfoy" she says with no emotion in her voice and since when did she start calling me malfoy again.

"You have been in bad moods before and didn't shut us out like this opheila so whats your problem" I say trying to control my anger. "I'm not the one with the problem malfoy maybe you and your stuck up friends are" she says standing up almost shouting she looks down at me and I almost see regret in her eyes but then its wiped away in seconds. She turns away walks out of the great hall leaving me sitting there by myself a pang of hurt in my chest and over half of the slytherin house staring at me.

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