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Opheila's pov

I have herd rumors about draco being a death eater but I didn't believe them. Yeah he isn't the nicest person I've ever met but I would have never thought he was a death eater. We are standing inches apart I can feel his warm breath on my lips. "Is that a problem darling?" He asks in a cocky tone.

"No-no I just didn't know" I say shaking my head. He steps closer to me his lips very close to mine. "Can I kiss you?" He asks I can feel his lips barely graze against mine. I shake my head yes not being able to form any words. "O I have to hear you say it" he says calmly. "Yes" I say in a shaky voice. His lips push lightly against mine he raises his hand and puts it in my hair pushing our lips together harder. His tongue slips into my mouth without me realizing and I play along with whatever be is doing. I put my hand on the back of his neck. Everything that is happening makes my body feel like it's on fire.

I pull away after a couple of seconds " I have to get ready for my classes" i say against his lips smiling while I rest my forehead on his. I walk out of the bathroom and close the door and walk over to my dresser I pull out a black top and jeans. I take of my top and slide my pants off. I hear a door creak open and my head snaps up to see draco standing there staring at me with wide eyes. I am completely naked. My hands come up to cover my boobs and I turn around so my back is to him. " oh I-im sorry" he stutters. "Why in the hell didn't you tell me you were getting dressed?" He grumbles and then I hear a door shut.

Did I really not tell him I was getting dressed? Maybe I didnt tell him on purpose. Maybe I wanted this to happen.

Draco's pov

I turn and shut the door behind me trying to hide my smile so she didn't see it. I just seen opheila's boobs. I'm also not going to lie when she turned around and I was talking to her I was definitely staring at her ass,but I will never tell her that. She has a perfect body oh my God I lean my head backwards and stare at the ceiling thinking about our kiss. What I would do to kiss her again. I hear a knock on the door I guess that is my sign to go out there.

I twist the door knob and exit the bathroom to see O standing in front of me with her arms crossed with her eyebrows down glaring at me. "Pull your trousers down" she says with a serious face. "What?" I say furrowing my eye brows " I mean its only fair you seen mine I should get to see yours" she says not being able to hold the smile back any more " I'm not going to-" I start but get cut off " I'm just kidding" she says laughing grabbing my tie and pulling me down to her level.

She kisses me on the lips I try to turn it into a make out sessions but she pulls away and let's go of my tie and walks out of her door throwing her robe on.

What is this girl doing to me?

Opheila's pov

I leave my dorm and head downstairs for breakfast. I enter the great hall and see Blaise and theo sitting at the slitherin table eating. I sit down in between the two and grab a banana peeling the sides down and I look up to see the two boys glaring at me like they are daring me to eat the banana. I look from one boy to the other "what?" I ask anger lacing my voice. "Don't eat that banana the way I think you are about to eat that banana" theo says in a angry voice.

"What do you mean its a fucking banana?" I say looking at theo. "Because there are 20 boys staring at you waiting on you to eat that banana" Blaise says my head snaps towards him and I look around sure enough there are several people staring at my mouth waiting. I take the banana and snap it in half and eat the peice that I broke off "is that better?" I ask with my mouth full looking at the two boys. When I see a blond boy sit down in front of us. He looks at the banana and back up to me with furrowed eyebrows."oh not you too?" I ask throwing my banana to the side shaking my head and rolling my eyes.

"Here eat this instead" Blaise says handing me a blueberry muffin. I take the muffin and bite into it. I see pansy walking up towards draco, oh this is going to be fun. She runs her hand over  dracos shoulder and leans down and wispers something in his ear he looks disgusted. She walks away while I'm scowling at her I look back at draco. "What did she say?" I ask him with a serious face. "None of your business" he says while looking in another direction "OK fine then I will just have to ask her myself" I say srugging my shoulders and standing up when I feel a hand grip my wrist.

I turn to see draco holding on to me with furrowed eyebrows "ok fine i will tell you just sit down." I sit back down crossing my arms and raising my eyebrows waiting for him to tell me. "She told me that she is throwing a party in the common room tonight and she wants me to meet her there I probably won't even go" he says looking into my anger filled eyes. "Yes you are going" I say. The 3 boys that sit around me all say "what?"in union.

"Yeah you're going with me"I say poking in the rest of my muffin. He raises his eyebrows at me.

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