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Draco's pov

I stiffen when I hear her mention a task about a vanishing cabinet. Did the dark lord give her something to complete like he did me? My task is to kill Dumbledore by the end of the year the only time I can stop thinking about it is when I'm with opheila. When I'm by myself my mind takes over and I go to a dark place.

I really hope he didn't give her a task because she really doesn't deserve to suffer. I sit in the corner in her green chair and rack my brain for any thing that has to do with a vanishing cabinet. I have herd about them before but I haven't really studied them to actually understand what they do.

I think back to what she said earlier about her not being a virgin and that we had slept together. I know for sure that we haven't slept together yet so I know she lied about that but it didnt bother me but I am wondering if she is a virgin or not. I know I'm not I have been sleeping around since I was 11.

I need to ask opheila about why or how she ended up with the dark mark and if she's really a virgin.She is going to have a bad hangover in the morning so I will have to ask her another time. I leave her dorm and head back to my own we don't have classes tomorrow which is probably a good thing for O.

Opheila's pov

I open my eyes to my head spinning and I can hear my heart beat in my ears. I sit up slowly putting my hand on my forehead I look around and see that the alarm clock and it reads 30 minutes past time for me to be up. My first thought is to get up and get dressed im going to be late. I throw on my plad skirt and button up white shirt tucking it in I pull my boots on and run to the bathroom I start to brush my teeth and hair trying to mulitask so I'm not late I rinse my toothbrush off putting it up.

I run out of the bathroom and throw my tie around my neck. I grab my book and put it under my arm I exit my dorm and head towards the common room my head thumps with every step I take down the stairs. I'm looking down at my tie trying to tie it while also trying to hold my book and walk. When I bump into something hard which pushes me backwards I let my tie fall and I look up to see draco towering above me.

Then everything that happened last night comes barreling back to me I don't know why I did that...... well actually I do because when I get drunk my anger takes over. He is smirking and looking at me with raised eyebrows. "Where are you headed off to so fast?" He asks with his deep husky voice "classes" I answer looking at him confused "he leans closer to me he lips inches away from my ear his breath tickling my neck sending shivers down my spine "sorry to break it to you love but today is Sunday.....we don't have classes." He wispers.

I step backwards and flop down on to the common room couch groaning throwing my head backwards closing my eyes. I feel like there is a pixie inside my head using my brain as its very own drum set.

I feel the couch sink in beside me and I hear a little giggle. "After the way you were last night I didn't expect to see you this early....or actually at all today if I'm being honest you seemed to be hammered last night." He says sounding amused.

"I was and I am kinda feeling the effects of it at the moment so if you wouldn't mind lowering your voice I would really appreciate it." I say under my breath.

I put my hand on my forehead letting out a groan." Do you remember what you did last night?" Draco says and I can hear the smirk in his voice. I do remember what I did and more specifically what I said. I told everyone that I fucked draco which is not true but everyone already believes it so why does it matter right?

"Yes.....yes I do" I answer leaning my head over on his shoulder closing my eyes "and I do not regret it one bit" I feel a chuckle rumble through is body.

I feel a cold glass vile slip into my hand and I furrow my eyebrows opening my eyes to look down to see a purple and gold bottle laying in my palm. I look up at draco seeing a little smirk that I presumed was there. "Its a sleeping draught potion go up to your dorm take it and sleep it off that is what I usually do" he says leaning over and kissing me on my forehead he stand up and leaves the common room.

I go up to my dorm and throw my books on the floor and fall onto my bed pulling the potion out of my pocket. I take the lid off and push the potion up to my nose it doesn't smell to good I hope it tastes better.

I turn the bottle up feeling the liquid drain down my throat it leaves a burning sensation on my tongue. I put the bottle on the bed side table and soon enough I'm dead to the world.

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