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Draco's pov

I haven't seen opheila since our argument in the hallway. We leave to go home for winter break today and I'm a little worried for her. Even if I am still angry with her over treating me like shit for no reason. I don't plan on talking to her because I feel like my anger will get the best of me.

I am exiting the great hall with Blaise, theo is back at the dorms packing. I am looking at Blaise while we talk about what our plans are when I feel my body collide with someone else's "watch where the fuck your walking" I say looking down to realize that it is opheila. "It was just as much my fault as it was yours....asshole" she says pushing past me and stomping into the great hall. She looks like she hasn't slept all week and I'm also guessing she isn't eating because she hasn't been in the great hall in a while.

When she used to hang out with us theo would force food down her throat making her eat. I guess that now he isn't around her she has fallen back into old habits. I look at Blaise and he is following her with his eyes and he turns back to me with a worried expression. "She looks sickly don't you think?" He says. I shake my head up and down" well its no one's fault but hers" I say with anger lacing my voice.
We continue to walk in silence towards our dorms to grab our luggage.


We make our way to the hogwarts express and are walking down the isles trying to find a empty compartment. But every compartment is full. I spot one that seems to be empty but when I walk over to the door and slid it open opheila lays stretched out on the bench with her arm under her head her breathing is even so I assume she is asleep.

I feel theo push past me and take a seat on the other side of the compartment and Blaise wispers in my ear"it's fine mate she's sleeping I doubt you will even have to speak to her" I calm a little and then take a seat next to theo. Looking up at the over head storage area where her owl sits.


We have about thirty minutes until we arrive at the platform. Blaise is leaning against the window with his eyes closed and theo is eating a chocolate frog. Opheila is still sleeping on the other side of the compartment she hasn't moved in awhile. I watch her chest rise and fall slowly faltering every once in a while.....until it stops. It doesn't move any more it only stays still panic fills my chest and my eyebrows furrow.

I take my foot and kick the bottom of the bench she is on vibrating both benches. Her whole body Jerks and her eyes snap open she groans putting her hand over her face. She sits up holding onto each side of the bench steadying herself. Relief floods through me seeing her chest rise and fall again "what the fuck malfoy couldn't you tell I was sleeping" she sneers my way glaring at me.

I do feel a little bad about waking her up because she hasn't looked like she's been sleeping lately but I was worried she was going to die. "Well you have been sleeping the whole ride thought you might want to take in the view" I say with a smirk and a undertone of scarsam.

Her eyes narrow at me and she huff standing up and walking out of the compartment. I feel theo and blaise's gaze on me. I look back and forth between the two."why did you do that draco I thought you didn't want to talk to her" theo says. "I don't it just seemed like she has had enough sleep on this ride" I lie not wanting them to know the real reason. "well if you ask me I don't think she's doing steller in the sleep department at the moment" Blaise says bringing that pang of guilt to the surface.

Opheila's pov

I stalk out of the compartment and down the hall to the restroom. I enter  locking the door behind me. I look at myself in the mirror I look awful my cheeks are sunken in and my under eye bags are so much worse. I have stayed up all night every day all week trying to at least get half way done with my task . It wasn't a possible goal and I did not complete it.

I feel sick just thinking about my father. I rush to the toilet hanging my head over the ceramic dish dry heaving. I haven't eaten in a while so nothing is coming up. I catch my breath falling backwards and resting my back on the wall I have now broken out into a cold sweat. I run my hands over my face and push myself off the ground getting dizzy as I stand up to fast.

I wasn't expecting those three to be in the compartment with me and I sure as hell didn't expect draco to be so rude. I guess my plan is working. He will stay away from me and he will stay safe even if It hurts me. I exit the bathroom trying to find a different compartment on the way back but it is impossible. I come up on the compartment where I was once sitting. I have to go back in there sooner or later because pebbles is still on the over head storage shelf.

I close my eyes and suck in a much needed breath before opening the door and sliding into my seat looking out the window. I feel three sets of eyes on me I turn to look at the boys and they all advert their gazes accept for theo. He is not just looking at me he is glaring at me. "You look awful you know that!"he says with his face contoured with anger. I furrow my eyebrows and feel the sting at the back of my eyes,that actually hurt my feelings even if I already knew it.

Draco and blaise both turn and slap him on the shoulder "you can't say shit like that"Blaise says with his hand on theo's shoulder. "No fuck that" he says standing up so he is towering over me "I haven't seen you in the great hall once in the past four days" he shouts "just because you are mad at us for God knows what doesn't give you the right to stop eating" he throws a cauldron cake and a pumpkin pasty in my lap.
"Pick one and eat it now" he says through gritted teeth.

"Theo you can't tell me what to do" I say looking at the food in my lap. I look back up at him and if looks could kill I would be lying next to my mother right now. "Pick one opheila I'm not asking"he says in a deadly tone. I have never seen theo this mad before yes, he has a couple outbursts here and there but never like this. When I would hang out with them theo was always the one to make me eat and take care of myself i guess without him around I had let the responsibility slip.I pick up the
pumpkin pasty and peel the plastic off taking a bite. "There,Are you happy now?"I ask with the bite still in my mouth.

"No eat the whole Goddamn thing" he says still standing in front of me. I finish off the pasty as theo sits in front of me watching every move and I'm starting to feel sick I reach under the edge of the seat and pull out a tiny trash can and spill the contents of my stomach into it. Holding my hair back with one hand I cough up every thing I just consumed I guess my nerves about my father got to me.

I look up to see the three boys looking at me with sympathy and theo lets a  huge breath out is nose shaking his head and running his fingers through his hair.

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