The cabinet

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Ophelia's pov

I make my way into the bathroom to do my hair and makeup when i see movement out of the corner of my eye. I look over to see draco getting up out of the chair and stretching. He walks over to me while im putting on my mascara. He puts his hand on my shoulder "are you feeling any better this morning?" He asks with a concerned look on his face.

"I do feel a little better" I answer screwing the lid on to my mascara. He puts his hand under my chin pulling it up so I am looking at him."so you will be ok if I go up to my dorm to get ready for class?" He asks .

"Yes i will be fine just meet me in snape's class" I say and he nods his head and exits my room. I finish up with my hair and it is time for me to leave for my classes.

I walk down the corridors headed towards defense against the dark arts. I make it to the doors and draco is standing there waiting on me. We walk in to see a big cabinet with everyone standing around it."we are going to be learning about boggarts today!" Professor snape says in a monotone voice.

"You just walk up the cabinet and have your wand ready the thing you are most afraid of will come out and the spell you need to use to defeat it is riddikulus" he says moving his wand in a side ways motion. "Repeat after me"he says. The whole class moves their wand and pronounces riddikulus all at the same time.

"Ok miss anderson you are up first!" Snape says. I look up at draco with a worried look on my face who is standing next to me. He nods his head and it makes me feel a little bit better about it. I step forward and have my wand ready i keep repeating the spell in my head. The door nob on the cabinet twists open and my heart drops at who is standing in front of me.

My fathers hair lay over his face and he has a bottle of some sort of alcohol in his hand. He steps closer to me and I bring my wand up but I'm frozen. I can't get my lips to move. My hands are shaking and i feel myself take a step backwards.

"Why do you have to be such an ungrateful little twat?" He shouts throwing the bottle on the ground.I stumble backwards tripping over my feet. I hit the ground now looking up at him. I raise my wand and say"I'm sorry father.....Riddikulus!" He disappears not standing over me anymore. I close my eyes laying my back flat against the floor my hand on my forehead .

My breathing was fast and i felt tears running down my cheeks. I open my eyes to see draco standing over me with his hand out waiting for me to grab it. I reach up and grasp it he pulls me up off of the ground.

Tears still running down my face he wraps his arms around me and I burry my face into his chest sobbing. He grabs the back of my head stroking my hair. He pulls away from me and I look up at him tears streaming down my face.

He grabs my hand and drags me towards the door heading out into the hall way. My chest heaving as we exit the room now standing in a empty corridor. I can't breathe I feel like I have a weight on my chest i think im having a panic attack.

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