Chapter 1 - Small Talk

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A month after Galactus's defeat...


That's all anyone could ever want.

Especially for someone who's been through enough traumatic experiences as it is.

After the events with Galactus, many places had changed due to the aftermath of the Zero Point being released from the now nonexistent center island.

Salty Springs and Tilted Towers had combined into a singular space, humbly being dubbed Salty Towers. New locations called Stealthy Stronghold, Butter Barn, Hunter's Haven and Colossal Coliseum seemed to appear out of nowhere within the span of a month.

Midas, Jules and Sophie unfortunately had to relocate to a different home due to sand overflowing in the one they had before. Currently taking shelter under a bigger white house in Pleasant Park, he had plans of building his own house where Dr Doom's mansion once stood.

He just needed a good idea of what it would look like. Luckily, he had Sophie's incredible talent for drawing for that.

But despite everything, he still needed time to recover mentally from everything that happened during the times before and after Galactus arrived.

From Shadow Midas to getting an arc reactor inserted into his chest to keep him from dropping dead.

But recently, Midas' nightmares have only begun to worsen. So much so that he thought his only solution was to carry on researching the Loop and the Zero Point to keep him occupied and awake. He believes there may be more to it than just looping him and his friends over and over.

And, while sounding ridiculous, he has a theory about the possibility of different dimensions existing beyond theirs.

"Come now Midas. Keep it together." He mutters, finishing his 5th cup of coffee that day and sticking another sticky note on his table, scribbling down more bullet points. "You're a smart man, you'll figure it out."

It was late at night and the storm clouds outside were loud and dangerous. The rain wasn't like your normal water. It felt like acid burning into the skin, so staying inside till morning was the best option, and by now Midas was slowly slipping in and out of his slumber before quickly collapsing onto the table, only to wake up again, slapping his cheek to keep his eyes from closing.

"Idiot! Stop dozing off. You have work to do. I don't need sleep, I need answers."

"Nah you need sleep Midas."

Startled, he turns around to find Sophie, wearing a long blue night shirt and white slippers, closing his bedroom door as she walks over to him.

"What are you doing up missy?"

"I went to get a drink but I overheard you talking to yourself." She explains. "Why are you still up?"

"Because I have important work to do. I have a good feeling this theory of mine is correct...but I need more evidence to prove it."

He leans back in his chair, putting his hands on his face in exhaustion. Sophie sighs, seeing his deteriorating mental state, and taps his shoulder.

"You could use a break. Did you...want to get a drink with me?"

Midas blushes slightly, before nodding slowly.

"That...That sounds nice."


"Here. I remember Ocean mention that Chamomile tea can act as an aid to people who have trouble with insomnia. That, and it's a calm, soothing tea. Either way, it should also help you sleep."

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