Chapter 4 - Not So Different

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Early in the morning...

It was a quiet but chill morning with Jules and Marigold already up and talking to each other.

Finishing off his coffee, Midas hums and beckons his hand towards the girls, wanting their attention.

"You need something Midas?" Jules asks, facing her brother.

"Yes. Can one of you inform Skye to meet with me near the coloured bridge leading into Salty Towers."

"Sure! I'll call her up now to let her know."

As Jules takes out her cellphone Midas begins to pack some essentials into a backpack, including the intel file on Sophie.

"So, where are you off to?"

He turns around upon hearing Marigold's voice.

"It sounds farfetched, but I believe the kid isn't actually from this place. The only one who knows her best is Skye." He mutters, straightening his tie. "I just want to ask her some questions about the kid."

"You make a good point though. It's as if the girl just... appeared out of thin air on the island. I mean, it's not as if someone else knows anything about her."

Another thought crosses Midas' mind as he looks back at Marigold.

"Hm. Marigold, does your reality's version of Skye ever tell you about a child round about their age?"

She briefly thinks it through, before shaking her head and sighing.

"Not that I can remember, no."

Midas hums to himself, expecting this answer. If he needed more evidence to prove that Sophie came from outside the Loop, Marigold had single-handedly provided it.

"This should mean that either her reality's version of the kid hasn't arrived or met Skye yet, or they aren't going to show up at all as Soph being here was as Jones said 'a mistake'."

Marigold and Midas continue to talk for a little while longer. Knowing they won't be of any use to Midas, she tells him the names of his agents in the swapped reality:

Skye - Simon

TnTina - TnTyler

Brutus - Bushka

Meowscles - Catlyn

A final question rolls into Midas' mind. The same burning question from last night.

"Marigold. If you don't mind me asking. If you got your curse from a god of light, wouldn't he be the same as the one I once looked up to?"

"It depends. What was his name?"


"Hmm, maybe. I mean, it would be quite unique if both Oro's shared the same memories."

"So what you are suggesting is that my Oro knew about your dimension and existence and never told me."

"Exactly, and vice versa."

Midas hums softly, smiling a little to himself.

"It seems like that, despite our separate realities, we aren't so different you and I."

"Indeed. Although, I wish I didn't have this curse."

"You learn to appreciate it, given time. You're lucky to only have it on one hand."

Then, both notice Sophie finally awake and out of bed. She seemed down and low, an unusual characteristic to her normal happy chipper self.

"Hey, kid. You seem sort of down. Are you feeling well?" Marigold asks, a little concerned.

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