Chapter 8 - A Glimpse Into His Past

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Midas and Jones land safely near a handmade wooden bridge just outside Salty Towers. Emphasis on safely as Jones stumbles on his landing and falls on Midas' side, much to his disapproval.

"For an I.O agent of such high ranking, you're much more...laid back, dare I say?" Midas remarks, shaking him off his shoulder.

"Eh, going into the Loop every now and then isn't the highest paid job. Though it's not the worst." Jones admits, nudging his arm. "Between you and me, the worst job here is being the guy who takes the trash out every day. The pay is kinda low."

Midas hums, knowing this info is irrelevant to him and his mission, but chuckles quietly at Jones' surprisingly fun enthusiasm.

"Anyway, what was the reason you scared the life out of me earlier?"

"I want to ask something of you. I understand it's none of my business being stuck on this island, there something about this kid you're not telling me?"

"About the kid?"

John Jones sighs, looking away and folding his arms.

"Sorry Midas, but that's classified. The I.O have forbidden me to share any secrets with Loopers like you."

"Loopers? Is that how I.O see all of us? Are we nothing like real people to you?"

"Well, yes. Midas, I-"

Jones' sentence is cut off as Midas grabs him by the throat, slamming him into the wall.

"Jones, stop. Just stop, look me in my one good eye and tell me you're afraid of me getting in the way of whatever plans you have."

He doesn't respond, and only looks at Midas in silence.

"To your people, we're pieces of code with some kind of scripted story. But we're more than that, to you at least...aren't we?"

Struggling free from his strong grip, Jonesy gulps in fresh air and coughs.

"Look, I just listen to I.O and follow their demands. If I don't, I'm dead...or Janice will get hurt instead of me."

"Janice?" Midas takes note of the glimmering silver ring on the middle finger of his left hand.

"She's... she's my wife."

Jones takes out his phone, display his wallpaper. It's shows a picture of him with a bright young woman with captivating turquoise eyes and silky black hair. Midas notices someone else blurred out in the background, but the blur makes them unrecognisable.

"She means everything to me. If I were to lose her..."

Tears begin to appear in his eyes as the thought terrified him. He briefly wipes them away as to not look like too much of a wimp.

"At some point, when the two of us rack up enough money, we were gonna go someplace else. Have a normal life."

He turns back to Midas.

"I'm sorry M...but for her safety, I can't tell you anything else from I.O."

"I see...very well. If you can't give me there anyone on this island that could know something, perhaps?"

"Well... throughout my visits to the Loop, I left behind countless snapshots of myself that took on different names and persona's. Perhaps if you ask them about the kid, it'll jog their memories for a second. I mean, you know the ropes, don't you?"

"Yes. People who come to the island, or loopers that leave and return, they lose their memories. And getting the original person back is next to impossible."

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