Chapter 2 - Meeting Marigold and Agent John Jones

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The next day...

"Are you certain you'll be okay, Agent Skye?"

"Aw c'mon bossman. We'll be fine."

Doing up his cardigan buttons, Midas hums, smiling a little.

"Well, if you insist. Do call any one of us if trouble should arise while we're out."

Sophie sighs sadly, feeling left out. She's always enjoyed walking around the island with Midas, but why not now? Noticing her glum expression Midas sighs, patting her shoulder softly.

"You need not worry about me, kiddo. I'll live without you for a few hours."

Midas and Jules set out to the island, searching for the many portal locations scattered and open across Apollo.

"According to the map there should be portals near Weeping Woods, Hydro 16, and a new location called Stealthy Stronghold." Jules says, looking at her map with crosses where she thinks the portals are.

"Weeping Woods might be a good place to start."

As the two siblings travel to the woods, they take in the atmosphere and the island's condition.

The sand blowing in the cool wind, while also being quite easy to sink into covered a big majority of the center of the island. But very soon, the portal became more and more visible as well as... people coming out of it?

"Hm? Is that... people I see coming from the portal?" Midas hums, increasing his walking speed.

Upon closer inspection, the people slowly turn to face them, expressing very deranged and rotting faces. Both slide to a halt, Midas recognizing them.

"Those aren't humans. They're walkers."

Taking out his revolvers, he begins firing at the creatures stumbling from the other realm. Jules stays behind him, keeping watch for anyone else who might try to intervene. Looking down at the ground, she can't but feel uncomfortable.

"Something doesn't feel right." She whispers to herself.

As if to prove her right, a rumble erupts from the ground as close by near a tree, a square elevator bursts from below the surface revealing three masked men holding tactical assult rifles.

"Midas look!"

He turns around to find the 3 men closing in on both of them as well as the emerging walkers on other side's. Jules takes out a pistol from her pocket on her hip, ready to shoot as Midas reloads his revolvers.

"Hey look. It's the guy John Jones is after!"

"Should we kill him or bring him in?"

Midas glares at the guards, ready to pull the trigger on his weapons. That is, until a newcomer intervenes. Leaping from the nearby bush, a lady with a similar resemblance to Midas reaches for the AR strapped to her back and fires at the guards and walkers, killing them instantly and knocking out the guards.

"Hmph, not even worth a challenge. Are you two..."

She stops upon seeing Midas, who is sharing the same confused but surprised expression.

"You look just like me." They mutter in sync with each other.

"I apologize for my staring. I've never seen someone who looks so alike me. Pray tell, what's your name sir?"

"Midas. What about you?"

"You may refer to me as Marigold."

Jules looks in wonder at their similar characteristics and mannerisms.

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