Chapter 24 - Zero Crisis Finale

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A/N - YO! Before this chapter starts, I wanna say thank y'all for enjoying this strange lil AU of mine.

I'm surprised all three of these silly stories of mine got any attention at all. I only wrote the first one because I wanted to give the Ghost v Shadow war a proper ending instead of it being abandoned.

Then it all turned into an alternative universe as I wanted to write more about my interpretations of the characters, such as Midas and Jones. (Honestly, Midas was my other main driving force for writing the first story.)

I think this 3rd story might be the last, as well as the shortest chapter wise, since I have no ideas whatsoever for anything related to Season's 6 and 7. The oneshots (that I STILL haven't fucking started 😂) will still hopefully happen. But for now, this 3rd one will be the end of my main story.

Okay, back to zero point go boom. And I don't feel right about cutting this into two chapters, so this is going to be a VERY LONG chapter. Maybe go get a snack or something.


An hour later...

This was it.

This was the culmination of Agent Jones' mission.

Every hunter and agent on their side, including Marigold, Midas and Sophie, was ready to glide down towards the parade of Terminators and Aliens down below. And Jones himself was going to enter into the scene in the most badass way he knew:

Riding the top of the battle bus everyone was sitting in.

"Alright, everyone off! Our targets are straight below us." Midas shouts, opening the back doors of the bus and letting everyone through. "Be careful of other Loopers that may have gotten caught in the crossfires!"

Taking a glance at the imploding Zero Point through his binoculars, Jones hums. He still had a bad feeling he'd mess things up again, but Midas had faith in him and knew there was no way he'd fail. Suddenly, the speaker headset attached to his right ear begins buzzing as Slone tries contacting him.

"Ugh! What do you want now?! I'm busy doing your job!" He yells, putting his binoculars away.

"Jones just give it up! The Zero Point's imploding and we've lost control! So just save yourself or join your wife in death!" She yells back.

"You're not trying hard enough! So if you won't stop this, I WILL!! Or else it'll destroy all existence!"

"We've done all we can! You have your order, now stop playing the hero and GET OUT OF THERE."

"NO! I've let you control me long enough and I'm gonna do what we should've done from the very start: I'm going to The Seven."

"You're betraying EVERYTHING I.O has worked for, you idiot-"

The connection glitches out as Jones grabs his Rift Gun. Midas, carrying Sophie in his arms, joins him atop the flying bus.

"Alright, that's everybody gone. What are we doing?"

"Easy. We fly to the Zero Point, I'll do my thing and hopefully it'll bring one of The Seven to the island."

"Uh, guys?"

Jones and Midas turns to where Sophie is pointing, only for a blast of energy to explode from the Zero Point and send the bus in circles and throwing all 3 of them about. In the confusion, Jones accidentally looses grip on his Device and it tumbles down to the grass below.

"No!! I need that!"

Without a second thought, he jumps off and dives down after it with increasing speeds. Sophie holds onto Midas as he jumps down after him, a crash pad in his hand ready to throw and break their fall.

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