Chapter 5 - Star-Crossed Friends

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Meanwhile, at the red bridge leading into Salty Towers, legendary adventurer Skye patiently awaits for her boss and friend to arrive. To pass the time, she was more than happy to facetime TnTina and Ocean who were on the opposite side of the island at Lazy Lake.

"Yeah I dunno what bossman needs me for though Tina." She says, shrugging. "Something about the kid if I remember."

"Well you know Soph better than all of us girl! It's no surprise he'd ask you for help with whatever he's up to." Tina laughs.

"Tina's right Skye! You're the one who found and rescued her after all." Ocean adds, nodding in agreement.

Skye tilts her head around, knowing it's kinda true. She notices a distant figure approaching with a small wave and the light of the golden sun reflecting off their hand.

"Sorry y'all. I gotta split. Bossman's here. Catch ya later!"

The girls wave goodbye frantically, both pushing each other playfully out of the camera view. Skye snickers lightly before looking up as Midas stops in front of her.

"My apologies for keeping you waiting Skye."

"That's fine bossman. I haven't been waiting that long, so don't worry."

Clearing his throat, Midas takes a seat on the nearby bench with Skye.

"So, I wanted your assistance with something. You and Sophie have known each other a while now, correct?"

Skye nods with a hum.

"Back when the Agency existed, you told me lots about her. But there's one thing you never told me about:

How exactly did you two meet?"

Skye chuckles, scratching the back of her neck.

"Jeez, that takes me back. Um, actually...I think it was a week after you promoted me to a field agent. You sent me on a mission to infiltrate a Shadow safe house located in Pleasant Park."


Many months ago...

"Agent Skye. Report to my office immediately. Your first field mission awaits."

A low grumble cuts through a speaker, alerting the 4 main agents in the chill room of the ever busy Agency.

"Damn girl your first field mission I'll bet!" Tina laughs, nudging Skye's shoulder. "You excited?"

"Of course! I've waiting for this day for so looooong!!" She answers. "I'm kinda nervous though, haha."

"I bet mew will do purr-fectly fine Skye. So don't worry." Meowscles reassures her with a purr, accompanied by a few cat puns.

"Brutus believes you will do great. After all, Midas believes that too, even if he refuses to show it on his face."

The others give Skye smiles of encouragement as she leaves for Midas' office. Upon arrival, she hesitates a knock until Midas' voice comes through.

"I know you are there agent, you may enter."

Skye opens the door to find Midas in his golden chair, his hands rested under his chin awaiting her arrival with a numb, emotionless expression on his face.

"What can I do for you boss?"

"A situation has arisen in Pleasant Park. We're getting reports of Shadow agents attacking the area. Attacking innocents." He explains, passing a few pictures snapped by fellow field and stealth agent, Agent Peely.

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