Chapter 22 - No More Lies, No Holding Back

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Back on Apollo, while laying low and hiding from the I.O, Jules and the others had made a start on their new home and were halfway done. All the outside was complete and all that was left to do was paint and decorate the walls and place down furniture in every room.

"Phew, not a half bad job." Jules sighs, sitting back down in a chair and taking a swig of her smoothie. "Even without Midas we made a lot of progress didn't we?"

"Indeed we did. I guarantee he's going to like it very much." Marigold smiles, wiping the sweat off her head and closing the garage door. "What about you Sophie?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah! I think he will." She smiles, giggling slightly.

Just as she gets up and walks over to the two girls, a crack in the sky forms and catches their attention.

"What's that?"

As quickly as it was there, it spits out what looks like three people and disappears. One person heads in a completely different direction, while the other two have their target locked at Pleasant Park, the people come crashing down outside the newly built house, thankfully missing it. They groan, the weight of the fall impacting them all. It takes the girls a second before they recognise both of them.

"Midas! Jones!"

"Ugh... that's the last time I go reality hopping for a while..." Jones grunts, struggling to stand.

"Mmm, I agree. No more for me thank you." Midas nods, rubbing his head and sighing.

Jones looks up to find Jules directly in front of him, and quickly backs away and shuffles behind Midas.

"Ah jeez! I couldn't have pick the worst spot to land at!"

He braces himself for Jules to raise a weapon at him, but uncovers his face when he sees Midas raise his arm defensively in front of him.

"Midas? What are you..."

"He's not a threat to us Jules. So don't bother trying to hurt him, you'll only have me blocking your way."

"But Midas! He killed-"

"I know!"

Everyone goes quiet at Midas' angry but controlled outburst. He slowly breathes in and out through his nose, soothing his anger and calming himself down.

"...I know he killed our mother. But killing Jones isn't going to fix anything. It'll just make things worse..."

Jules groans, tears brimming in her eyes. Feeling bad, Midas opens up his arms, letting her hug him tightly.

"I've just missed you okay?! I'm sorry I injured your leg..." She weeps, tightening her grip. "I'm sorry..."

"It's fine, Jules. It was nothing really." He sympathises with her. "Can you just promise me you'll give Jones another chance?"

She lets go, wiping her eyes.

"Alright... for you, ya big pushover."

He snickers lightly as Jules playfully punches his arm. Sophie runs on over, hugging Midas to the point of nearly knocking him over.



He kneels to her height and hugs back, stroking her soft ginger hair.

"I owe you a HUGE apology. For the times I pushed you away and...hurt you..."

He pauses, flinching as he remembers that horrible afternoon.

"I'm just... really, REALLY sorry. I can understand if you don't forgive me or don't want anything to do with me anymore-"

"It's alright...I feel horrible too. I'm sorry for blaming you for Agatha's death and lashing out at you... I should've known better than to do that..."

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