Chapter 3 - A Lead

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"There you are! What took you so long?"

"Well for one I've walked all the way from Hunter's Haven to Pleasant Park. That, and he took forever to finish his work."

As Jules passes him a cup of warm coffee and an apple, Midas sits down on the couch and begins telling the others about John Jones and what he's found out about the Imagined Order.

"So this order...why are they here?" Marigold asks, putting her hands on her folded knees.

"I'm unsure about that. Jones mentioned something about fixing the Zero Point. How he's going to do it, I'm not sure." He answers, looking down at the file in his hands. "But hopefully this file he lent me will give me some answers to work with."

While he hopes it will, he knows this will only give him answers about Sophie's true origins, where she came from and how exactly she got trapped in the island in the first place since John Jones doesn't seem to know much about it.

"By the way, where's Soph?"

Jules and Marigold shrug in sync, no clue on the girl's whereabouts. This causes Midas to turn to Skye, who was happily eating a plate of pancakes delivered from the Butter Barn near the Zero Point. She pauses however when her boss begins glaring at her, waiting impatiently for an answer.

"Agent Skye?"

"I last saw her out in the back garden watering your roses. Then I think she went over to the stronghold over to the north east from here."

"And where were all of you when she left?"

Jules could tell from his expression that Midas' rage was probably going to break free at any moment if someone said the wrong thing. So she motions both girls to remain silent. Sighing in frustration, Midas slams the folder onto the coffee table and reaches for his golden pickaxe near the front door.

"Fine. If you refuse to answer me, I'll look for that troublemaker myself."

He storms through the door, slamming it behind him.

"Is he always angry?" Marigold asks his sister.

"Nowadays it's only on occasion. Back a few months ago it was much worse."



Inside the stronghold laid a jungle crawling with creatures and littered with trees and vines. A young girl ventures further inside, following the suspicious cries of a creature in danger.

"I'm sure the sound came from this direction." She murmurs.

Before she can react unfortunately, Sophie trips over a log, tumbling down the small hill and having her head collide with a rock.

"Oww, jeez."

Then she hears it. That noise again. Only now it's more audible and closer. She picks up the pace and follows it, eventually coming across some kind of floating pod. Inside is a green creature sipping a liquid from a small cup all wrapped in a blanket.

"Oh, hello little guy."

It looks at her in confusion, but seems calm about her presence. Pretty soon, both begin warming up to each other.

"You're such an adorable creature! But, I wonder who you belong to."

It suddenly cries out, pointing behind Sophie. Swiveling around, she's met face to face with a horrifying predator. She squeals, obviously frightened, and picking up the pod, makes a mad dash to find her way out. Her heartbeat increases rapidly as she runs, but eventually finds herself cornered.

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