Chapter 17 - The Truth Can Hurt

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"Hey Jonesy? What's that island on your screen?" Sophie asks, leaning on his shoulder.

"Sorry kiddo. I can't tell you anything. It's my job to make sure I.O remains secretive. The higher I progress, the more I can know."

"Ooh. That's pretty cool."

"Heh, well... there's things here even I don't know. That's how low of a rank I am. Being one of the 8 people to go into the island every day, it gets tiring."

Sophie frowns sadly.

"But I can't exactly change my mind now. I wanted this so much."

"Yep. Oh, here!"

Sophie passes Jones her sketchpad, a page with her, Jones and Janice smiling warmly. He grins in appreciation, ruffling her hair.

"Thanks kiddo. I really like this. Can I keep this one to show Jan later?"


Tearing the page out carefully, Sophie hands it to Jones, who promptly places it in his trousers pocket for safekeeping.

"Um...I kinda need the bathroom. Is there one around here? Could you keep my sketchpad safe."

"Uh I think it's a left turn down the hallway, then turn right. And yes, of course I will."

"Thanks Jonesy! You're the best!"

She enthusiastically gives him a hug, smiling brightly. He happily accepts it, chuckling. Midas turns to present day Jones to find a small smile on his face.

"I should've spent more time with her... because when she left, I never saw her again." He mutters as Sophie leaves.

Midas grabs his wrist and drags Jones out his office, following Sophie as the scenery glitches yet again with her coming out the bathroom. She passes both of them and notices a room directly in front of Jones' office.


"What's this room for?" Midas asks.

"It's the room used for sending people to the island. Every now and then I'd be ordered to go in and inspect the island."

Sophie suddenly gasps as a nearby door opens, so without thinking she quickly runs into the room labeled 'D2O4' and closes it. However with this being an illusion, Jones and Midas phase through the wall, following her.

In the room there was machinery everywhere. With a control panel and many purple rectangular shaped devices connected to the machinery. To finish, small purple crystals, smaller than the ones currently on the island, were leading into a gaping huge hole that seemed to have an endless drop to it.

"Those purple rectangles have a familiar look to them. Like the carving of that cube back in Steamy Stacks." Midas points out, looking closely.

"Wow... this place is so cool!! But I know I shouldn't be here, I ought to check that no one else-"

"My my, what do we have here?"

Sophie, Jones and Midas turn around to find Dr Slone entering the area, closing the door behind her. She gazes down at the child, raising an eyebrow.

"You're Jones' kid, aren't you?"

Sophie nods slowly, shuffling backwards and away from Slone.

"I'm really sorry! I know I shouldn't be here! I-"

"Please young one. Calm yourself, and be careful. We wouldn't want you to fall, would we?"

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