Chapter 9 - Grief

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Midas lands back on the football pitch of Pleasant Park, still covered in his golden power. It's no surprise that a ton of people are around, all worried about the situation. As he walks through them, they all step aside, letting Midas through.

Storming into the remains of the house, Midas is angry to find Marigold is the only one left inside.

"Midas! You came! What...What took so long?"

"Nevermind the shit I've been up to. Where is everyone?"

Marigold shivers slightly at his bitterness, but exhales slowly and responds.

"The bounty hunters tired us to near exhaustion, and Skye passed out. The guards took her away and..."

She pauses. Midas taps his foot impatiently.

"And? Answer me damnit!"

"Soph went after the guards and bounty hunters alone! There! You happy?!"

Marigold can tell Midas isn't pleased one bit about this news, his face going red with rage.

"And you just let her walk out? You didn't bother stopping her?"

Marigold looks away, ashamed of herself. How can she call herself a responsible Agency leader if she lets a child go head first into a deadly situation?

"What about my mother and Jules? Are they still here? If so, I need to see if they're okay."

Her face pales, sweat dripping down her cheeks. Midas could tell immediately something wasn't right.

"Marigold. Where. Are. They?"

"You best go upstairs and see for yourself." She mutters, going into the living room and trying to fix what was salvageable.

Midas dashes upstairs and into his sister room, only to find a somber sight. Jules was kneeling near the bed, weeping into the bedsheets as her body shivers. Something was under the covers, not moving in the slightest.

"Jules, what happened? Where's..."

"She's gone Midas..."

Midas' eyes widen as his skin goes as white as snow. Jules gets up and hugs him tightly, crying into his chest.

"While the guards were walking away, one turned around and...and fired three bullets through her head. instantly killed her."

Midas doesn't utter a word, not even comforting his sibling. He simply hums in frustration.

"Jules. Take Marigold, find that brat and bring her ass back right now."

She senses her brother's intentions and shivers.

"Midas, please. I know you're angry, but please don't take it out Sophie. She's just a kid! Don't do something you'll regret later!"

"I'm not asking you again Jules! I'm in a bad enough mood already!"

Jules gives up stopping Midas and leaves with Marigold to find Sophie. Midas falls on his knees, kneeling next to the bed. The gold fades back to his wrists as tears streaming down his face. His heart felt so heavily weighed down. The only person, aside from his sister, who loved him and believed in him...

And now she was gone...

"I'm sorry mother... I'm sorry I wasn't there for you..." He apologizes, wishing he got here sooner. "I'll avenge matter what..."



Despite Midas' warning, Sophie was determined to find Skye and save her from the bounty hunters. Staying close, but being careful as to not get caught, she follows the hunters carrying Skye as they trek up the sandy hills, slowly becoming more green and grassy.

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