Chapter 15 - Unintended Mistake

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Landing on the small island, Midas immediately begins looking around. Orelia follows him closely.

"So, what are we looking for exactly?"

"Well, when you left I bumped into one of John Jones' original snapshots. He gave me this security camera snap, but said the other half was missing."

"I see."

"So he told me to seek out the only other Jonesy that's been here longer than him. And thanks to him, we discovered the other piece should be around here somewhere."

"Hm. Well let us hope so, yes?"

Midas nods, running over to a nearby building. With Orelia's help, they manage to cover a lot of ground together. But suddenly, he pauses.

"Midas? Are you feeling alright?"

He sighs, leaning against the building and folding his arms.

"I just feel guilty..."

"About what?"

"About the fact that I'm responsible for Oro's death. He gave me all his power and as a result, he crumbled to dust."

"He saved your life Midas. If it wasn't for him, you wouldn't be here right now."

"I know...but he was your husband! If it wasn't for me, he'd still be here... and you could've seen him again." He hums. "I should've been more careful when confronted with the Chaos Agent."

Orelia senses his distress and goes to comfort him.

"Here, listen close. Allow me to tell you something."

Midas turns to face the golden queen.

"While me and my Oro were separated from each other, we were still connected. And while I know he never said anything about it to you...I could tell he loved you so much."


"Yes, very much so. He was willing to sacrifice everything to make sure you were safe from harm when you ran from home."

"Even if it meant..."

"Even if it meant he had to die for you to live."

Midas smiles a little in appreciation for his lost friend. He might be long gone, but he'll always stay in Midas' memory. And he'll always have his power, not just his curse, to protect him and his friends.

"...Thank you Orelia. You truly are just like Oro."

"You are welcome Midas."

She chuckles lightly, her golden flow of hair blowing in the cool breeze.

As Midas makes a right turn, he notices something flapping in the wind crushed under the weight of a rock. He dashes over to retrieve it and to his relief, it's the other half of the picture!

"Haha, I did! We've found the final piece!"

Sliding it carefully from under the rock as to not rip it more, Midas fiddles around with the pieces until they're both in a perfect position. He reads the back with the complete message, then turns back to the photograph.

His face shows a look of  'I should known'.

"Hmph. Why am I not surprised? Of course it was her."

"Do you need me to recreate the scene with an illusion?"

"Yes, but not right now. Orelia, I need you to-"

"Hush. Stay quiet for a moment."

Midas closes his mouth, listening for what she heard. It seems quiet, but somehow that just made everything more nerve-racking. He couldn't help but feel like something was watching him. He spins around just in time to find a group of I.O guards pointing their rifles at him.

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