Chapter 19 - Catching Feelings

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It was a long fall getting to the next dimension, but it gave Midas the chance to ask Jones about the next reality.

"So, this 'Street Fighters' dimension. What do you know about it?"

"Well, putting it simply, the place in my world is actually just a video game."

"A video game?"

"Here, I'll give you an example. In my world, people like the Flash and Iron Man aren't real and are just characters in a movie played by an actor." Jones explains. "So think of it like that, but just as a video game instead of a film."

"Are you saying we're being transported into a video game?" Midas hums.

"Well, kind of. In their reality, they're not in a video game, the world works like a normal world."

Midas thinks to himself for a moment. Jones at this point was confusing him with his explanations, but he tries his best to make some sense of it.

"If I recall correctly, Soph had recently been picking up a rhythm game on the internet. Are you suggesting maybe that has its own dimension too?"

"I guess so. I mean, I haven't been to EVERY reality, so I wouldn't know."

A rift cracks open under their feet, allowing the two men to land on the concrete pavement below. The sky was a beautiful orange sunrise, with stars soon to fade away from view. Many homes with a Chinese style to it stand tall, with people stopping what they're doing and turning to the new comers in wonder and confusion on how they got here.

Midas nudges Jones' shoulder, motioning his head toward the people.

"Go on, don't be so tense."

"Oh right, sorry."

He clears his throat.

"Uh, hey. We're visitors from a different reality, and rest assured, we're not here to harm anyone."

The people murmur to each other, turning back to the two of them.

"Have any one of you seen the fighters Ryu and Chun Li? We need to speak with them. It's important." Jones asks, looking about.

A man wearing red clothing, a black fabric tied around his waist and brown fighting gloves steps up to them.

"I think I know where they are. I'll take you there. The name's Masters. Ken Masters."

"Great! Lead the way Ken." The I.O agent chuckles, taking Midas' hand and dragging him along with him. The crowds of people resume going about their day while Midas and Jones follow Ken.

As they venture through the town, many market stalls selling accessories, food and items catch Jones' eye. Letting go of his hand, Midas stops and lets him have a look around.

"You'll have to forgive him. He can get a little sidetracked." He apologizes to Ken. "He's like a child trapped in a grown man's body... although he can be mature and responsible at times when far as I can tell at least."

"No need to worry. As long as we can catch Ryu and Chun Li before their friendly battle later this morning, I've got no problem with your little friend."

As Ken mentions this, Midas notices a nearby poster advertising the exact battle with Ryu and Chun Li on the cover taking place at 10 in the morning. Judging by the sun, right now, it was about a quarter to 9.

"So, why do you both need them anyway? You both said you're from a different world, and I can tell." Ken asks.

"Both of us are from different worlds, I'm just coming along for the ride helping him out as he's my key to getting back home." Midas explains, looking over at Jones.

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