Chapter 6 - Repressed Memories

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"Aaaaand that's basically it. We flew back to the Agency, I dropped off the memory stick for you to do as you pleased and as a reward for completing my mission, you let me hang out with Maya and Sophie for the rest of the day."

Midas, having thoroughly enjoyed talking with Skye, simply hums.

"Hm. Did she ever tell you what she was up to before getting caught in Pleasant?" He asks.

"She said she was looking for a person and a few possession of hers." She hums. "Think it was photographs she dropped or something, I dunno. Anyway, she never mentioned who they were as she couldn't remember their name... for some reason."

"So she was looking for someone. A person possibly from outside the loop if she couldn't remember their name. Maybe these photos can give me clues on this person as well. "

"Did she mention any locations?"

"Yeah. A small cabin outside Weeping Woods, the woods itself and somewhere around Slurpy Swamp."

Midas hesitates, but places a hand on Skye's shoulder. He smiles as he begins to get up from the bench, facing Skye.

"Skye...thank you for your help. I'll be investigating this for quite some time. But can you do me one last favour?"

"Sure thing bossman!"

"I'm going to be away from home for a while, so can you be sure to visit Soph regularly... just so she doesn't get lonely."

"You got it M." Skye nods.

With that Midas bids Skye farewell and heads off through the red bridge, while the adventurer goes to pay Sophie a visit.


He quickly turns around upon his name being called. But to his one was there.

"Hmph. Must be my imagination."

Shrugging the uncomfortable feeling deep within, he continues walking forwards.


Swiveling around much faster this time, Midas takes out his revolvers and begins looking around. This voice is really starting to piss him off now.

"I swear. Whoever you are, show yourself! Unless you want to end up as a lifeless statue!"

"I'm afraid my little king that would be impossible for you to do on me."

Midas slowly turns around upon hearing the voice from behind him. It's so familiar to a person...or an old skeleton he once knew.

"It can't be..."

His throat tightens as he sees a ghostly golden skeleton before him, still wearing the same glowing chain, crown and robes. While hard to tell, he looks happy and relieved to see Midas again.

"Hello again Midas... I'm glad to see you are alright."

"Oro... you're alive? I...I can't believe it!"

Midas' smile fades away though as he puts together the pieces.

"You're... You're not my Oro...are you? He's been dead for a long time..."

The skeleton holds out a boney hand, sighing sadly.

"Come. Let us take this conversation elsewhere."

Midas takes it without hesitation and both teleport away, leaving behind a single golden rose beginning to bloom in ground accompanied with sparkles.

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