Chapter 12 - Snapshots

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A few days later...

It was a slow process, but thankfully Midas now felt more recovered to carry on with what he was originally doing. But he still had time to enjoy some more of Jules and Marigold's company.

"Leaving so soon Midas?" Marigold hums with a small laugh.

"I'm afraid so. I have important things to do. I have to finish something up and find the kid."

"Aw man, I enjoyed being a nurse and taking care of you." Jules chuckles, sitting down with a plate of toast.

"You only enjoy doing it when I'm helpless and feel like the worst person in existence." He sighs, taking another sip of his warm coffee.

Jules tilts her head, snickering.

"Either way, it's wonderful that you are feeling better Midas." Marigold smiles, finishing her cup of tea.

Putting his empty mug to the side, he grabs his backpack filled with everything he'd need and heads over to the front door.

"Alright. If anything bad should arise again, send me a voicemail or a call. I'll try to be faster this time."

The girls nod.

Midas turns back and opens the door, and to his surprise, finds an unexpected guest outside. It was the Mandolorian that saved Sophie a few weeks back.

"Mandolorian? What the devil are you doing here?"

"Ah. I believe you're Midas if I recall what that child said."

"Yes, that's me. But you didn't answer my question. Why are you here?"

"Well, for a while I've been looking for someone who could help me repair my spaceship. However, working for John Jones has left me not much time to search around this island."


"I asked him if he knew anyone who knew their way around engineering, and he said he knew you had a sibling who knows a lot about that."

"Ah, he must be talking about Jules."

Listening in on the conversation, Jules comes over upon her name being called.


"So you're Jules. Midas' sister I presume?" The Mandolorian introduces himself. "I am a Mandolorian, a bounty hunter."

Hearing the words 'bounty hunter', Jules immediately reaches for her pistol fastened to her hip.

"Nope. I ain't having more bounty hunters come and destroy our home a second time. So if ya wanna live, get outta here."

"Jules wait, he's not here to cause trouble. He wants your help."

"Oh yeah? With what?"

"He's looking for an engineer who can help him fix his ship. Jones knew about me having a sibling who is a highly talented engineer. So, maybe you could help him."

Jules darts her eyes over to the Mandolorian, then back at Midas. She eventually sighs, putting the pistol back on her hip.

"Fine. I'll help you fix it. But if either one of us finds this is all a distraction for Jones to kill off more of our friends, he's answering to me." Jules huffs, going to grabs her tool kit.

"I wouldn't worry about Jones attacking you. Last I heard he was playing with a little girl." Mandolorian sighs, letting Midas step outside.

"Well, at least she's safe."

Midas begins making his way through Pleasant Park as the roads and pavements begin to be increasingly speckled with other people making their daily commute. Upon making a left turn, Midas notices someone with very similar hair to Jones in the distance leaning against a taxi.

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