Chapter 18 - The Flash And C.C Jitters

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Back at Apollo...

Meanwhile, far away from Midas and John Jones' current location, back on the island, things had started calming down down after Midas' bold move to save Jones.

"So... you were only working with Jones because he promised to get you back home." Jules summaries.

Marigold nods sadly.

"I deeply apologize for tricking you all."

"Maybe if you told us this when we met, we wouldn't be in this situation. With mother dead and Midas far from the island." The engineer grumbles.

"Um...I think we have more important things to worry about than dwelling on the past. Has anyone bothered to check the Zero Point recently?" Sophie asks, raising everyone's attention.

Everyone turns around to see the Zero Point slowly begin to pulsate, starting to loose its blue shine and going a dark shade of purple. Things didn't look good and with Jones gone with Midas, it wasn't going to get any better.

"Well what are we supposed to do?" Skye asks, turning back to the others.

"At this point, I'm not quite sure." Marigold hums.

"Perhaps Jones really was right. We DO need his help fixing that thing." Jules sighs, realising she might have been too hard on him.

"And you thought killing him and Marigold would solve everything didn't you?" TnTina remarks.

"Hey! I was just angry and upset with John Jones."

"This isn't the time! We need to figure out what we do now! All we can do is stay alive long enough until both of them find their way back." Sophie yells. "Besides, with no John Jones to command the I.O guards, we don't know who will send them after us...or the bounty hunters."

"Well I do." A new voice joins in the conversation.

Everyone turns around to see an I.O guard clutching his tactical assault rifle. Strangely though, he wasn't trying to threaten them and his mask was missing, revealing what looked like a kind man behind it.

"Don't worry I'm not here to rat you out or kill you. Those two henchmen friends of yours filled me in on what happened to Jones and that Midas fella."


Joining the group the Ghost and Shadow henchmen, Ryan and Jim show up with worried expressions.

"We heard about what happened with Midas. Is everyone else okay?" Ryan asks.

All heads nod, while Sophie runs up to give the two henchmen a hug. The I.O guard turns back to face them.

"Sorry, I never introduced myself. The name is Jerry. And I'll see if I can keep you out of Dr Slone's sight until your friends return."



Waking up early was easy for Midas, but less for Jonesy. He could tell Jones wasn't really a morning person, but they didn't have a choice if they wanted to get back to the island as fast as possible. Currently they were following the coordinates laid out by the Rift Gun, and they had been going for what seemed like hours.

"We've been walking for a while now. How much further do you think we'll need to go?" Midas hums, turning to Jones.

"About 150 miles now, so not... not long." He replies, pausing mid-sentence to let out a yawn. "Sorry... still kinda tired."

"You have no need to apologize for being tired. You probably just need an earlier time to go to bed." He says, offering the idea.

"Well, I remember when doing my research on my next target it read he's mostly found in a café named C.C Jitters. Maybe we could stop there and get a coffee? That usually helps me wake up."

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