Chapter 13 - Friend Or Foe?

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As Midas and Oro continue to search the island for the many snapshots of John Jones, they got many different responses from each one they encountered, not just the audio recordings.

Sash Sergeant - While he didn't know much, she was very familiar to him and he knows he wouldn't do anything to hurt her.

Audio recording - "Mission log C1S3. Taking a different role on the island for this one. This outfit makes me feel like a scout or something! Currently attempting to get that 'No Snitching' badge, haha. But first, I better get outta this crazy town. Tilted is a busy place and I'm not a sucker for crowds. I'd rather be in Wailing Woods right now personally."

Castaway Jonesy - Being stuck on an island without food and water for days hasn't treated this snapshot well, leaving him no recollection of the girl. But Midas was more than happy to offer him a granola bar and a drink of water from his backpack.

Audio recording - "Mission log C1S9. Keep your cool Jonesy. You're stranded on the wrong island with a flare gun that's only got one shot in it. It's just a mini test with the weapon- oh oh! A battle bus! Okay and... fire! ...I hit the balloon...Welp, I know Slone's not gonna trust me with a flare gun again, haha... woops!"

Suntan Specialist - A snapshot that seems to have retained the chilled out relaxed mentality of Jones, he was happy to share anything he could remember about Sophie. While it's not much use to Midas, Suntan mentions that she did enjoy coming to the beach for a vacation. The thought of treating her to a trip in Sweaty Sands sticks in Midas' mind.

Audio recording - "Mission log C1S5. It's vacation time baby! Suns out, guns out! Well, arm guns not actual guns, haha. Currently just planting a 'No Swimming' sign near Loot Lake. A huge cube covered in odd runic symbols sunk into it recently, polluting it and turning it purple! Heh, Soph decided to nickname the cube Kevin. It's silly, but I like it. Just gotta make sure none of the Loopers infect themselves with that dark energy......why's the ground starting to rumble under my feet?"

The last snapshot they visited was a Jonesy coated in Slurp, humbly named Slurp Jonesy. A bit like Rippley and Sludge from A.L.T.E.R and E.G.O. Thanks to the deceased Chaos Agent's experiments on him and two other individuals, his memory was completely wiped and his audio recording was corrupted beyond recognition. But he gave Midas a crucial hint in his quest.

"So your mission log was lost and corrupted thanks to the Chaos Agent. Is there anything you could tell me that might help find what I'm looking for?"


"Jonesy the first? Maybe it's one of his original snapshots?"

"Maybe so. But we won't find out by staying here. Let us go." Oro hums.

Midas nods, thanking Slurp Jonesy for his help, and teleports away as Oro clicks his fingers.


As Midas lands just outside Retail, Oro suddenly begins glitching out, much to both of their worries.


"I...I must attend to something. I'm so sorry Midas. I'll be back... hopefully."

Oro quickly fades from his mind, seemingly in a real hurry to get back to his palace. Midas sighs, walking through the town and towards the taco stop on his left.

"I guess it's left up to me to figure this out now."

While he wasn't one for fast food and the like, he didn't despise it completely and decided to order something for a quick bite to eat, considering he hasn't eaten since this morning and it was now nearly 1 in the afternoon.

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