Chapter 23 - One Last Trip Home

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After Jones and Doctor Slone's heated argument, the poor guy knew he had fucked up really bad. Because all his attempts at calling Janice had failed as he apparently didn't have the credentials required. Midas had been watching this for a while and was growing worried.

"Jones, are you going to be okay?"

"No! I can't get ahold of Janice! I'm scared she's gotten hurt, or worse!" He panics. "Plus, it sounds like my credentials have been removed, meaning I've been fired!"

"I'm not surprised. You really made her mad, and then insulted her to her face. I have to admit, it was quite funny." Midas chuckles. "But I can understand why you're worried. So what do you propose we do?"

"Well, when I tried getting all the files and materials related to The Seven, my credentials were rejected. So if they won't give me what I need, I'll have to go back and take it for myself."

"And how will you do that?"

"I'll need to find Janice. She'll be the only one willing to help me."

Jones grabs his Rift Gun from his fieldpack and gets ready to return to his world. That is until the 2 henchmen, plus an I.O guard accompanying them, show up with some bad news.

"Midas sir! We need to speak with you!" Ryan yells, waving his arms.

"Henchmen? And...why is one of I.O's guards with you?" Midas asks.

"Oh. This is Jerry. A guard that has defected from I.O, just like Jones." Jim explains.

"Nice to meet you Mr Midas sir." He salutes him. "And as Ryan said, we need to talk to both of you. It's quite urgent."

"Very well. What seems to be the problem?"

"We went searching for your agents, Rook and Ocean, but we never found them. But we found the portals Jones left open." Jerry explains.

"It looks like a ton of Aliens and Terminators have escaped their world and come to ours."

Ryan points over to the desert area of the island and while hard to see, lots of Terminators and Aliens were running about causing havoc.

"Oh jeez. I better make this quick." Jones sighs, activating his Rift Gun and disappearing.


With a flash of light, Jones lands back in his old office. It was a lot cleaner than when he left it.

"Huh, feels weird being back here. But nevertheless, I got a mission. My own personal mission."

He walks across the room and over to his window covered by blinds. Sneaking a peak, he sees someone walk past his office and pausing at the door. They go to open it and Jones immediately dives down under his desk, fearing it may be Slone.

"How could she just replace me like that? Am I really that expendable to her?!" The voice complains, sounding familiar. "I guess it's time me and Jones left this shit-hole anyway."


Jones comes from his hiding spot and comes face to face with his wife.

"Jones! You're back!" Janice smiles, hugging him tight. "Perfect, we can get outta here together!"

She takes his hand, going over to the door, only for Jones to stop her.

"Janice wait."


"I can't leave. Not yet. I have a mission to do, and if I don't stop the Zero Point from exploding, reality will cease to be." Jonesy explains, putting his hands on her shoulders. "Will you help me get what I need? Slone removed me and my credentials from the database and now I can't access anything. But you still can."

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