Chapter 20 - Returning The Favour

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"So... he's gonna be okay?"

"Yeah, he'll be alright. Not the first time I've worked on an arc reactor for him."

"Oh oh! He's coming to!"

Midas stirs in his sleep, light seeping through his eyes and forcing him to open them. He was in some kind of laboratory filled with highly advanced technology that threw a familiar thought across his mind.

"Ugh... what... happened? Where am I?" He mumbles, trying to sit up. Looking around he notices Jones smiling with a relieved laugh. "Jonesy?"

"Midas you're awake! Phew!" He sighs, a hand over his heart. "I'd hug ya, but I don't think I should."

Midas wonders why, but suddenly notices something:

The arc reactor in his chest was missing, and his life was currently being supported by an electromagnet in his chest and wires connected to a nearby battery on a table as well as your normal every day hospital equipment.

"I thought you weren't gonna pull through for a second there. But I don't know why I should even doubt Tony at all."

Midas' eyes widen upon that name being called.


Looking to his right, Midas is shocked to see the same old Tony Stark he met months ago with him and Jones.

"Huh, guess you weren't kidding when you said maybe we'd meet again one day." He remarks, recalling what Midas told him after saving reality. "How've you been? ... except nearly giving poor Jonesy here a heart attack."

"I've... been better...but I don't understand." Midas groans in frustration. "One minute we were fighting back against I.O's forces...the next... we're in Tony's world? And why's my arc reactor missing?"

Jones and Tony look at each other, before turning back and responding.

"You... nearly died Midas."

"Wouldn't be the first time."


Jones tenses up, sucking the air through his teeth.

"I'll explain everything..."


Back in the Street Fighters dimension hours ago...

Guard after guard had fallen, dead or unconscious onto the floor. And yet more and more began coming through the portal. At this point, Midas and Jones were growing impatient and exhausted from the fighting.

"Ugh, my god! How MANY guards is Slone willing to sacrifice just so she can kill me?!" Midas yells, helping Jones stand. "Do they care more about my death than reality and the Zero Point?!"

"It's like she has a limitless supply of guards. Then again, I don't know that." Jones grunts, standing on two feet again.

A group barge through them, separating the two and surrounding Jones. He tries getting back up, but is pushed down as the guards press their feet down on him. Midas' begins to shake as he struggles to keep up his strength.

"Jones... they're gonna kill him." He breathes, wiping the sweat dripping down his forehead away.

He glances down at his chest where his arc reactor was, now exposed. His white tuxedo shirt had many tears and shreds in it, the buttons also either undone or missing. An idea crosses his mind.

"I never thought I'd need to use this again. But if I wish to save Jones, it's all I have."

With a sharp inhale, Midas double taps his arc reactor and stands up.

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