Chapter 7 - Same Skeleton, Shared Memories

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A bright light engulfs Midas' vision, making him shield his eyes.

And as quickly it appeared, it was gone.

His eyes flutter open to reveal the most magnificent palace he had ever seen in his life. Decorated in gold and white, with floors made from crystal clear glass and pillars of concrete holding it proudly above the deep blue ocean. Occasionally, you could see lime green bushes dotted about the palace grounds.

"This place... it's incredible..."

"Isn't it? Come through the gates. We have much to discuss." Oro voices echoes in the empty space.

The golden gates begin to open with a creak, letting Midas walk on through, the sound of his buckled shoes faintly tapping on the glass floor. After climbing a flight of stairs, he encounters a more physical version of Oro, holding a golden rose, sat waiting for him on a throne surrounded by gold bars and blooming roses of all colours.

"I see that you are impressed by my domain."

"I must admit it is. Although, don't you think it's quite big for a single being?"

"Yes. I had many servants and followers who were guided by the light. But time didn't treat them well and I was eventually left alone... almost."

"What do you mean by 'almost'?"

Oro clicks his fingers. A distant roar can be heard with the sound of wings flapping in the wind. Midas barely has time to slide out of the way before what looks like the golden skeleton of a dragon comes flying into the throne room.

"Aah! At least give me a warning Oro! My god." Midas yells, standing up.

"I apologize Midas. I can assure you Skellon will not harm you." Oro chuckles, placing his hand on the shimmering dragon.


"My dragon. I used him to travel from Marigold's reality to yours."

Midas, regaining his balance, approaches the god with a less than happy expression.

"You better have a great explanation for dragging me to this place AND why my Oro never told me about Marigold's existence."

Oro sighs and nods, knowing that he does owe his dear friend an explanation.

"Well you were correct about me being not the same Oro you communed with months ago. I'm the Oro connected to Marigold's reality. When your Oro sacrificed himself to reanimate your body, his memories transferred over to me, hence why I know you in some way."

"So how come you never tried talking to me in my head? Do you have any idea what kind of traumatic shit I've been through without you?!" Midas yells, letting out all his pent up rage and grievances on the skeleton he called his guardian and friend.


"I have come this close to dying on several occasions! I've been injured, possessed. I even have an arc reactor planted in my chest to stop shrapnel killing me for crying out loud!"

Oro begins to see golden tears form in his eyes.

"I nearly saw reality end right before my eyes." Midas falls on his knees, holding his arms as his trauma comes flooding back into his mind. "And if John Jones doesn't get his shit together and fix the Zero Point it might just happen again."

Silence fills the room, filling the air with uncomfortable tension. But eventually, after calming down, Midas apologizes.

"I'm sorry Oro... for venting my stupid emotions onto you."

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