Chapter 14 - Debunking The Truth

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Back at Retail Row...

Finishing up his snack, Midas pushes his plate aside and grabs a napkin to wipe his mouth.

"And that's what happened. She got trapped on the Loop, and Jones got the blame... despite the fact he had no part in the accident."

"So him bringing her along with him to a dangerous workplace wasn't him being irresponsible, hm?" Midas hums, sarcasm noted.

"Well okay, maybe that. But he wasn't around her when the accident took place and neither was Janice."

Jonesy passes him a piece of an old screenshot.

"I found this half a year ago. Looks like it was taken by a security camera judging by the quality. They're definitely from the room used to transport people to the island."

"But why would they be sent here?"

"Seems like whoever did this wanted all the evidence of their involvement gone and ripped apart."

"If that's the case, the other half should be somewhere on the island."

"Let's hope so. I think there was even a rushed scribbled message on the back, but with the other half missing I can't make it all out."

Midas turns the piece around, reading what could be made out.

            -E'S DOING.'

"I'm certain it won't be impossible to figure out if only the name's missing." Jonesy chuckles, starting to get up from his seat.

Midas follows him out the Taco Stop.

"But I'll bet no-one else on the island except yourself will know where the other half is! Please Jonesy, I...I need your help."

A faint blush appears on Midas' cheeks as he pleads to Jonesy, who can't help but feel bad.

" there ANY other snapshots of Jones who might know where the other piece is?"

"Well... there is one...but being trapped in the Loop for years - decades even - has made him feel like others who approach him are distrustful."

"Where can I find him?"


It took a long time, twice as long since Oro still hadn't returned, but eventually Midas made to the location of the final John Jones snapshot. The only one who's been in the Loop far longer than the original Jonesy.

"If I've followed these coordinates correctly, there should be a lighthouse over the hill." He mutters to himself, looking up.

Sure enough, in the distance was a lighthouse, a small house and garage sitting just below the hill it was sat on. As Midas gets closer, a figure could be made out in the distance. He recalls what Jonesy the First told him before he left;

"Remember, he thinks anyone who approaches him is not to be trusted. When you find him, be cautious and careful with him."

Sighing softly, Midas strides over to the figure. Sure enough they bare a resemblance to Jones, but their clothing is worn out and torn including an alarmingly long beard and exceptionally long hair. To finish the look he had magenta paint across his face and what looked like a Peely Smoothie strapped to his back.

"Excuse me?"

He turns around, very panicked and worried.

"Oh no. No no no no! Not you!"

"You... You know who I am?"

"Of course I do! It's Midas, right? Whatcha gonna do?! Turn me into gold?!"

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