Chapter 16 - Stuck Together

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After the long fall through the portal, Jones slowly begins to wake up to the sound of wind brushing through his hair. He gets up, rubbing his head, but feels a weight pushing him down.

"Oh man. What happened?"

He uses the blue and purple glow from his Rift Gun to light up the area, and is confused to find Midas unconscious on his stomach!

"Midas?! What the hell is he doing here with me?!"

He begins to panic as the thought of Slone's enraged voice yelling at him for doing the one thing she told him not to do the day he left for the island.

"The last thing we need is someone escaping the Loop Jones!"

"Welp, I'm gonna get fired for this one. Haha..."

Carefully sliding from under Midas' body, he notices his injured leg out the corner of his eye.

"Ouch, that doesn't look good. Hang on buddy."

He takes off his fieldpack and begins going through it, hoping he had anything that could help him. However most of the things in his bag were files, his device for recording Reality Logs and a couple packets of 10x granola bars as well as other food based items like marshmallows and a few apples.

"Dang it. I can't just leave him like this. Not after taking a shotgun to the knee to save my life." He mutters, tucking his shirt in before getting an ingenious idea. "Well...I guess my shirt's better than nothing."

Exposing Midas' wounded leg, Jones sighs and begins to start removing the bullet.


A little while later...

Midas finally awakes to the smell of a burning campfire. Sitting up, he finds himself wrapped up in some kind of rag or blanket. He strains to get up, a twinge of pain coming from his leg as he tries to move it, thus forcing him back down. Removing the blanket, he notices a white fabric tied around his knee where the pain is directing from. Jones notices and puts his bag of marshmallows aside to help him.

"I was wondering when you'd wake up. You alright Midas?" He asks, helping him maneuver closer to the warm fire. 

"Yes...I feel fine. But my leg isn't. What did you use to bandage it up?" Midas shivers, the cold wind going up his back.

"My white tuxedo shirt." Jones responses.

Midas blushes slightly as Jones answers him. He was wearing nothing but his blue work blazer that was very ripped up and covered in dirt. 

"Well...Thank you for the assistance."

The I.O agent sighs, guilt in his voice.

"I don't deserve your mercy Midas. It's my fault things ended up like this. Now you're stranded outside the Loop with me, far away from your home and family."

"I'm only stuck here because I saved you from getting shot in the face by Jules. I just didn't realize you opened a portal just as I pushed you out of her aim."

Jones goes to say something, before reconsidering and remaining silent. He begins toasting marshmallows over the campfire again while Midas relaxes his leg. An awkward tension is felt between the two of them with one not knowing what to say to the other.

"So, care to explain why my agents were about to kill you exactly?"

"I...maaaay have had Marigold spy on you all so she could find Soph if you couldn't."

"Hmph. No wonder your bounty hunters found my home so easily."

Jones turns to Midas, scratching the back of his neck. He shows a look of disappointment, but looks resistant to harm him because of what he did.

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