Chapter 21 - Abandon Ship

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Again, the fall to the next reality was long. So to pass the time, Midas takes a hold of the long strap on Jones' headband and tries attending to the length of it.

"Are you not phased at all on how long this is?" He asks, trying to trim it. "It must be irritating."

"Eh, not really. But I guess it could be shorter."

Being careful, Midas manages to tear off a strip, leaving the ends of the headband as even as they can be.

"There, that should do it."

He tosses the remains into Jones' hand, who promptly stuffs it into his trouser pocket.

"Jeez, as soon as we're back you really need to clean yourself up." Midas admits, noticing how dirty Jones' trousers were as well as his shoes slowly becoming more worn out.

"Oh yeah? Well you don't look like a basket of flowers yourself!" Jones chuckles.

He was right. In the days since they left the island, Midas' normal professional clothing had seen a lot of wear. His cardigan was ripped in many places as well as the bottom of his trousers near his shoes. As well as his ripped white tuxedo shirt, just like Jones, his clothing was also covered in dirt and his normally combed back hair was a scruffy mess.

"I suppose you're right. We both look like we got dragged through a bush backwards." He snickers, grinning.

The two of them can't help but laugh about it. Finally, they both land on a hard metal floor as they arrive at their final destination.

"So, where are we this time?" Midas asks, folding his arms.

"Uh, you ever heard of this really cool movie called Alien?" Jonesy asks. "Yeah we're basically in a reality of that movie..."

Midas notices a nearby window and looks out of it. Jones was right. They were in the heart of deep space. Stars gleaming in the black emptiness, and the spaceship they were on seemed to be on some kind of planet or moon.

"Who are you looking for specifically anyway?"

Before answering Midas, a nearby airlock door opens and attracts Jonesy and Midas' attention. 3 people step inside the ship, with one unconscious and being carried the other two. They all stare at Midas and Jones for a moment.

"How on earth did you two get here? You certainly weren't here before we left the ship." One, definitely the captain, asks.

"Uh, haha. Well this might be a little hard to believe, but we're both from a different reality." Jones laughs, smiling. "I'm John Jones, or Jonesy...or Jones. Whichever is easier. And this is Midas."

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Midas responds, still keeping his polite attitude despite the mess he was. "If you don't mind me asking, what happened to your friend there?"

The captain looks down at the man, then looks up.

"Oh, it's our executive officer Kane. He was found unconscious with this small weird creature on his face." He explains. "We're going to take him to our science officer Ash."

"Ah, I see...uh..." Midas pauses mid-sentence, hoping to get the name of the captain.

"Oh, my apologies. Captain Dallas. This is our navigator Lambert." He apologizes, also motioning his head over to his friend. Lambert nods with a smile as he can't wave at the moment. "If you'll excuse us, we'll be on our way. You seem like trustworthy people, so feel free to have a look around the ship and meet the rest of our crew."


A few hours later...

"Reality Log..426? Uh...I must've gotten my coordinates wrong or something because as far as I can tell this is a very normal spaceship on a very normal shipping route."

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