Chapter 11 - A Tortured Soul

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Time of day: 4:30am

It was really early in the morning by the time Jules came down to fetch a quick snack and drink from the kitchen. Marigold was asleep in the spare room. Sophie was... well, somewhere on the island.

As for Agatha...

Instead of sleeping in a warm comfortable bed as she was meant to, Jules and Marigold decided to bury her in the garden near a bed of roses with a gravestone. It was a very quiet evening after that.

Taking a deep breath Jules approaches the kitchen door, knocking on it. It slides open and she lets herself in. What she finds is a very depressed looking Midas slumped down on the floor, holding a bottle of beer in one hand and his fist clenched with the other, surrounded by many empty beer bottles. He reeked of alcohol as Jules comes towards him.


"What do you want Jules?"

"Maybe you should come out of here now. It's 4 in the morning."

"Maybe I should stay so I can drown my feelings with beer? I just want to be alone."

"Midas you've been sat in here alone for hours now ever since your argument with Sophie. many bottles of beer have you been through?!"

"I don't know. 6? 9? Enough to drown my feelings away. Why do you care?"

"Because you're my brother, and I hate seeing you like this. What would mother think if she saw you drinking your feelings away?"

"I don't know. Why don't you go ask her?" He groans, his patience wearing thin. "Oh wait! You can't! Because she's dead."

Jules' eyes widen and begin to water as Midas stands up with a wobble. His eyes were red with dried up tear stains and bags were under them. He then passes out in her arms.

"Midas you've had far too much to drink. You need to go to bed, immediately." She sighs, wrapping his arm around her neck and making her way upstairs. "But first, you're having a bath."


After dressing a now more fresh Midas into some clean nightwear, Jules helps him into his bed and covers him with his bedsheets.

"There. Stay here for the whole day if you need to. I'll clear up the mess upstairs and down for you. Just get some rest." She sighs softly. "Me or Marigold will come and check on your condition later."

Jules exits Midas' room, closing the door gently behind her. However, it's not long before nightmares begin to plague his head. He stirs in his bedsheets, sweat dripping down his forehead as he mutters in his sleep.

"I'm tired of being useless!"


"Maybe it's your own fault Agatha died!"

"... please, stop."

"See?! There you go again! Keeping things from me like I'm useless when I'm not!"

Midas wakes up as a slap and a scream ring out. However, he isn't in the comforts of his bed anymore. But rather back in the black void where Oro usually resides in his head. A glitched out illusion of Sophie appears before him, looking at him with a broken expression and a red mark on her face.

"You're real lucky you didn't turn me gold back there...then again, I doubt you would've cared anyway."

She begins walking away as she disappears.

"Wait! Soph, I... I'm sorry..."

He falls on his knees, his emotions overwhelming him as well as a huge headache.

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