Baggage claim

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   I feel as if im at an impasse walking down a street that connects to three others

No light in sight to help me find my way

Noise coming from all angles drowns out the happy voices of people laughing turning it into background music

There's too much noise and not enough light

Forcing me to close my eyes and walk blindly into unfamiliar territory

I hate it

I hate that I'd practically give my life if it meant saving yours

No matter how hard I try to show love it disappears like the laughter turning it into a screeching cry for help

Weighted down by the bags you hand me to claim as my own

And now that I've managed to open my eyes and clear away the tears I find myself walking down a dead end

I scream your name for help

You never show

And yet everytime you scream and plead for mine I appear out of thin air

I apease you

I listen

I take more of your pain and add it to my already filled hands

So why is it that when I ask to speak to you about something as light as a piece of paper you refuse


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