The lost girl

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The storm won't stop and it feels as though my beating heart refuses to continue any longer

It's official, I AM LOST 

it's not because of the winds and icy rain that shoots down my face or the breeze that threatens to blow me away 

No I can handle all of it, I can take the cuts and scrapes they leave behind and bandage myself up pretending as if nothing happened to begin with 

Hell I wouldn't even care if the wind picked me up and sent me crashing to the ground breaking every bone on impact

As long as they keep my eyes ... so I can see you

If I could hold you and whispers sweet nothings in your ear and watch you sleep peacefully I would be okay

The pain in my chest hurts worse without you but at least with the storm I could prepare myself for it 

What I can't do is allow you to walk away with what remains of me 

My heart tells me to do whatever it takes but my stubborn ass mind tells me to let him go if he chooses 

fuck him it says while the wind refuses to settle down long enough for me to think

that's all I need to do is think so just let me 

Why won't my mind be empty enough for me to get a single thought or word out because that's not what I meant 

Or at least it wasn't how I wanted to say it 

What I meant was I wanted you to choose me 

I'd take every memory and force it out of my brain if I could but let's be honest we both know that I can't 

And yea I'm completely fucked up but you stayed by my side during the fires crashing down on everything that we built and told me it would be okay 

You gave me your shoulder to cry on during my dark depressing days, seen me at my absolute worse and never judge me 

so why is this storm more difficult for you to deal with 

why is one request unable to be met 


...That's not what I meant to say it's just my head spitting out words that I can't take back 

what I meant was...I'm sorry 

The storm is mine alone to deal with my demons alone to destroy and yet all of my strength comes from you 

It shouldn't I know that already 

I was fine fight storms and rebuilding barricades on my own, it was my normal but now that I watched you stay and slay my dragon claiming me as yours I realize it's not that I can't handle it...I just don't want to be alone anymore  


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