Hearts with insecurities

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Hearts are meant for more than being broken

At least that what we wish and hope for

You see

My hearts been broken more times than I can possibly count

The pain changes you into a person you never imagined you could be

A person once filled with so much love for things in this life can become a person filled with hate and more insecurities

I once was naive for love and believed every word that was said to me

I love you has become a statement I'm excessively cautious to hear

So when I push down my walls and say those words just know they mean more that what it seems

The world of happiness and all things beautiful was ripped out of my mindset along with my heart due to the gut wrenching memories of my past

Now I am forced to hold my heart as close to my chest as possible
I can't allow myself another heartbreak with fear of becoming the one thing I never thought possible


With each waking moment and insecure photo I take but send anyway I'm giving you a piece of my heart and hoping for the best outcome

I know that I'm not perfect and that's evident in my size constantly increasing and decreasing rapidly

But I still want you to love me and kiss my head

This simple action reminds me I still have a heart and you have not yet broken it

To be completely honest I am absolutely terrified of what might happen when you do

Why do you care and more importantly why choose me

Questions like that multiply daily and the only moment of silence I can have is when I lay in your arms and smell the scent you wear

I'm scared this heartbreak will break me completely


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