The Wings

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@copyright 2020

Sensors like alarms blare inside of my mortal being with thoughts no one dares to discover

Thoughts that cause people to question your mental health and begin watching you like a hawk 

But observing me in the sky will give you no answers to the questions you've managed to obtain. The wings that carry me are immortal as I soar will a tear stained face wondering about all that life has to offer

you cut my wings

you cut them because you failed to understand the meaning of my freedom, the protection that I once had to shield me from the world of questions that have yet to come has been erased from humanity leaving me what I truly always was, a scared teenage girl

So now as I walk among you with this plastered smile on my face you approach me with every question that you can think of hoping to enrage me and transform me into what everyone believed that I was, a monster

My ability to escape the glances and whispers, that's what you took from me, my wings ranged high enough to drown out the noises of anxiety but low enough to understand that I was not the only one

The others warned me that if I let you in you would destroy me, I didn't listen. Simply because I was tired of flying by myself  so I allowed you to join my journeys through the skylight and see the moon closer than before.

I realized that I made a mistake the moment I fell from the sky and only bothered to ask if you were ok. I couldn't feel the stinging sensation ranging through my body all I could feel was the frightened movement of my heart as it wings weren't the only thing you tainted that day 

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