Blind Eyes

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Another day passes and you can't imagine your life differently
Those sweet moments that you share are officially gone
" You'll be fine" everyone says as they look at you with sad eyes "why didn't you tell me" your close friends speak those words as if it's the easiest thing for you to say
To speak about the past means to accept it...but your not ready to accept it so you do the only thing you know how...pretend
You pretend that your happiness has come back and the relationship you had no longer matters friendships that were built on trust crumple down because you become distant and have no explanation that they are okay with
But people change and that's one thing a heartbreak can teach you. You can see the best in people as much as you want to but the past can always change the future you planned to have with that person. You can't force yourself to be happy otherwise your mind will never heal
So tear yourself apart and discover the true meaning of your life before deciding to allow someone that you love change it to fit their mindset. a person in love can be blind. " I didn't see it because I didn't want to" , " I told myself that we were meant for forever" the same sad lines I find pouring out of my mind and lips as I remember your touch against them

Minds can heal but a heart always hardens after it breaks

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