TI- Imagine Thranduil being jealous of Tauriel because Legolas is...

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Imagine Thranduil being jealous of Tauriel because Legolas is spending more time with her than with him

If there was anything Thranduil knew like the back of his hand, it was his son. Legolas had been acting differently even if Legolas himself had not noticed, but Thranduil did. He also knew why Legolas had been acting differently. Legolas had taken a liking to Tauriel, the captain of the guard. Tauriel found him intriguing, but Thranduil knew she did not share his feelings. That only meant that she would hurt him, and Thranduil was not going to let that happen. Just as Legolas took a liking to Tauriel, the King had taken a disliking to her.

Thranduil was thinking of how Legolas had become more distant these past days as he walked toward his son's chamber. He had even stopped asking Thranduil for advice. Now that he thought about it, Legolas did not talk to him all that much anymore. The Elvenking was glad that his son at least still practiced sword fighting with him. It was something that they both had done for ages. It was the only free time they could spend together.

"Are you ready Legolas?" Thranduil asked as he walked into Legolas' chamber, his hair flowing wildly behind him due to his quick steps. The King adjusted the collar of his tunic.

"I apologize, adar. I must have forgotten to mention that I will be practicing with Tauriel," Legolas responded.

Thranduil flinched as if someone had physically hurt him. He stopped fumbling with the collar of his tunic and slowly looked up at his son who was nonchalantly swinging a sword in his right hand.

"Oh," was the only thing that came out of Thranduil's mouth. "With Tauriel?" he asked making sure he had heard correctly.


"I do not believe practicing with Tauriel would help you get any better," Thranduil replied, allowing what he was thinking to escape his lips.

"Adar," Legolas stopped swinging the sword and looked up to give Thranduil a look. He had been acting cold toward Tauriel and Legolas could not fathom why.

"Very well then," Thranduil breathed and turned to leave. He stopped at the entrance and contemplated changing his son's mind. Thranduil felt disappointed and mad. Mad at Tauriel that is. This was the only time Thranduil could spend with his son, and she had taken that away from him. The King thought better of it and went to his chamber. It was his son's decision after all.

Thranduil paced back and forth many times, having nothing else to do. "This is ridiculous," he said to himself. Some time had passed, and he was still upset. He was getting worked up over nothing. It will only be this time, he thought. But what if it is not just this time? He felt a lump on his throat. He swallowed trying to remove the feeling. A knock sounded from the door, and Thranduil swung around in a fury.

"What?" he barked. Someone slowly entered.

"I am sorry for disturbing you my King," it was a she-elf. "Legolas is injured—" Thranduil was out of the door before she could finish whatever else she was going to say. The King hurriedly made his way to the battling grounds, many elves quickly getting out of the way. It seemed like hours had gone by when Thranduil was finally able to reach his son.

Legolas sat on the ground clutching his arm with Tauriel kneeling next to him, inspecting the wound that she had inflicted on him. Legolas looked up at his father when he heard his footsteps.

"I am fine adar," he immediately said when he noticed his father's worried expression. Thranduil's worry faded only a little at his son's words. There was so much blood. His eyes roamed to Tauriel, and he scowled. He noticed she had an herb in her hand and could only presume it was athelas. He walked quickly to where she knelt and snatched the herb from her hand.

"Tauriel, go!" he said in a stern voice. She looked up at him ready to disobey.

"Adar—" Legolas began to say, ready to convince him to let her stay.

"Go," Thranduil repeated in a louder voice. This time Tauriel stood, bowed and walked away. Thranduil knelt on the spot Tauriel had previously been and inspected the wound on his son's arms.

"I am fine adar," Legolas repeated and Thranduil finally relaxed when he concluded that the wound was not as severe as it looked. The King exhaled the breath that he felt he had been holding since the she-elf had told him the news.

"You will be fine," Thranduil said, more for his reassurance than Legolas'.

"I hope you will not punish Tauriel for this. It was not her fault. I should have been paying more attention," Legolas said as Thranduil chanted an elvish spell while holding the athelas herb against Legolas' wound. "I should have practiced with you, I would not have gotten bored and averted my attention elsewhere thus ending like this," Legolas laughed quietly. Thranduil finished his chant and stood up, outstretching his arm to help his son up. "If you have not already found someone else to practice with, could I practice with you from now on?" Legolas asked.

"I do not think I would be able to find an opponent as good as you had I been looking." Thranduil placed his hand on Legolas' shoulder. "I would enjoy practicing with you again," he said with a small smile.

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