TI- Imagine if Thranduil had a brother

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Imagine if Thranduil had a brother

You could not remember how long you had been the Elvenking's personal guard alongside Feren, but it had been centuries. Of those years, nothing much happened in the Elvenking's halls to cause much panic. Most of the time you stood by the door of whichever room the King was occupying, without moving. You were almost surprised seeing an elf maid in the standard green dress walk quickly your way. She tried passing you to knock on the King's door but your hand reached up in a stopping motion.

"I apologize but no one is allowed to disturb the King," you said to her. She looked at you and then at your guarding partner before answering.

"There is a visitor here who claims to be the King's brother," she said. You gave Feren a pointed look and he shrugged in response.

"Okay," you said unconvinced. "I will tell him," and you were, even though you had been the King's guard for hundreds of years and never once did you hear that he had a brother. The maid looked at you again before leaving. Surely the visitor was just a hoax, yet you still lifted your balled up fist and knocked on the door of the Elvenking's study before entering. The King lifted his head from the scroll he was reading, mouth open to rudely ask the intruder if he had not specifically stated that he wanted to be left alone.

"My King, there is someone here who claims to be your brother," you told him, not bothering to apologize for the intrusion. For if you had, the Elvenking would have interrupted you. His face fell in an even more expressionless gesture before standing to his full height. King Thranduil dusted his robe before walking. You opened the door wider for him and closed it before following behind him at the same pace as Feren. When you all had gotten close to the entrance, Feren and you replaced the King's position so that you were in front of the king.

The visitor was not hard to spot. He seemed to be taller than the Elvenking from the distance between you. The resemblance was uncanny that it made you turn to Feren with a shocked expression. The elf had a wider and stronger jaw than King Thranduil and more prominent cheekbones but both their eyes and nose were similar. Unlike the King's thick eyebrows, the elf's were thinner but not any less bold. He decorated his shorter golden hair with intricate braids that held his hair away from his face. The elf was very fair.

"Hello Brother," the visitor said in a modulated voice.

"Thorophen*," the King simply stated in a tone that sounded displeased. You could only presume that he was, in fact, the King's brother. King Thranduil had not denied it. The tall elf took a step, wanting to get closer to the Elvenking. In synchronized steps, Feren and you blocked his path. Thorophen looked down at Feren and turned his gaze to you. His eyes were still on you when he spoke.

"Is this the welcome I receive after I have not seen my brother in ages? Have I given you a reason not to trust me?" he asked, now looking up to meet the unamused eyes of King Thranduil.

"Not yet. I simply do not want you near me," the Elvenking stated matter-of-factly before turning his head. His hair whipped behind him as he walked toward his throne. "Well? Are you going to explain why you are here or not?" he asked impatiently over his shoulder when he heard no footsteps behind him. Thorophen smirked at you victoriously, thinking it a sign that he had been invited into the Elvenking's halls as a welcomed guest.

"Stand back," you told him when he tried to walk past you, bringing your arm to stop him from taking any more steps. Feren and you took lead with the brother trailing behind. Two other guards had joined and were walking behind the elf. The King took a seat on his throne and crossed his legs, looking down at his brother with authority. When he dismissed the other two guards. Feren and you took place on either side of his throne.

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