TI- Imagine Thranduil and Tauriel at a ball

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Imagine Thranduil and Tauriel at a ball

    Two years had passed since the fall of Kili. A short span of time in the life of an elf. Upon looking at Tauriel, the Elvenking knew the loss was still too fresh in her memory. Not that that memory would ever fade.

She was not the same warrior she once was. There was no longer any fire or determination in her eyes. The King knew all too well the pain she was feeling. Upon taking pity on the she-elf, Thranduil had asked her to return once more to Mirkwood. Although with Legolas gone, there weren't many other elves who could help take her mind off things once returning home. Thranduil would try to keep her occupied with tasks the most he could, even going out of the way as to seem infuriatingly persistent but even that could not get a reaction out of her.

Tauriel was not the only elf grieving. Many of his folk had lost a loved one in the Battle of Five Armies. Thranduil liked silence, but things were getting rather melancholy for his liking. With that in mind, the King decided to hold a celebration in which he invited guests from Rivendell and Lothlórien.

"Tauriel!" the King addressed. She was sitting on the steps near the prison cells, staring off into nothingness. Upon hearing his voice, Tauriel stood and turned. Her long red hair moved swiftly behind her. She cleared her throat and swiped at the invisible dust on her tunic before talking.

"Yes my King?" she asked.

"Since you are my handmaiden now," the King paused, hoping in vain for some sort of reaction. A comment like that taunting her for her demotion would have riled her up before, but now she accepted her fate. Her now distracted behavior was too dangerous for her to be a guard.

"I want you to see to it that my outfit is prepared for the celebration." Tauriel nodded, commencing to walk away. She had thought the King had finished. Behind her, Thranduil talked once more. "Oh, and Tauriel. Consult with the dressmaker. I want you looking your best that day. No simple tunics." At this, Tauriel turned around bemused.

"Surely you do not want me in a dress, my King?"

"I do," Thranduil stated sternly. Inside, he felt slight joy. This was the first reaction he had gotten out of her in two years. "You will be my personal guest and be seated at my table. I expect you to look your best," he finished. If Tauriel had not been bewildered before, she surely was now.

Weeks had gone by before the celebration was held. The day of, all of the Elvenking's halls were buzzing. Elves were walking about setting final touches. This was the most noise Thranduil had heard in his cave for a long while. He hoped that things would change in his kingdom after the ball.

Thranduil was not the type of elf to join the celebration early. By the time the King emerged from his chambers, the event was in full swing. The celebration was held in a clearing just outside of the Elvenking's halls. Many long tables were set under a canopy of trees, all adorned with fine ivory colored tablecloths. On top of each table were flower arrangements and appetizers that covered most of the surfaces. Surrounding the clearing hung lanterns delicately embossed with swirls.

The guards at the entrance opened the doors for their King. An announcement of his arrival did not have to be made. When Thranduil stepped a foot outside, all of his guests turned toward the King. He walked in his signature regal manner. His chin was lifted, his hands interlocked behind his back, and a small smile played on his lips as he walked toward his table which so happened to be in the middle of the clearing.

As he walked by, many nodded in his direction. Thranduil returned the gesture. He took his place at the end of the table, but not before greeting Lord Elrond and his family, Lord Celeborn, and Lady Galadriel. Upon reaching his destination, he frowned when he noticed that the seat beside him was empty. Tauriel was absent.

The Elvenking was enjoying his second glass of wine when from the double doors of his halls emerged Tauriel. Many elves, like he, turned to look at the newcomer. The red-headed she-elf kept her gaze forward as she walked toward the King. She was not used to being the center of attention. She felt awkward as she continued walking.

Uncomfortably, she tugged at the already long dress, feeling rather exposed. Much like the attention, she was not used to such delicate garments like the exquisite emerald colored gown she was wearing. The gown accentuated her red locks causing elves in every direction to stare.

"I am sorry for arriving at such time, my King," she apologized softly to Thranduil, who turned to her upon hearing her speak. He waved dismissively. Looking around, Tauriel suddenly felt out of place when she noticed the elven lords and ladies sitting at the same table as her. Thranduil took notice of her demeanor and immediately flagged down a servant. A rather young looking elf hurriedly made his way to him.

"Yes my King?" he asked, giving Thranduil a kind smile.

"I will need more wine for my guests," he said. "Bring out the strongest."

In the same hurriedly manner, he walked into the King's halls. Thranduil leaned toward Tauriel as if to tell her a secret.

"This celebration has been rather uneventful, but no longer if I have anything to do with it. Elrond will be singing when this evening is over."

Tauriel searched the King's eyes for any sign that he was teasing. However, Thranduil stared back expressionless. The laughter that had been bubbling up escaped from Tauriel's mouth as the image of Lord Elrond singing, clouded her mind. At this, the King's eyes grew wide. He had not been expecting such a reaction. In return, Thranduil chuckled. Maybe there was still hope for her after all.

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