TI- Imagine being caught by spiders, and Thranduil...

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Imagine being caught by spiders, and Thranduil finding you

Thranduil rarely ever left the confines of his halls but did so when he was very annoyed, something that seemed to be happening more recently. After having a bad morning, Thranduil settled for walking through the forest. He would have preferred being alone but even he could not fend off a spider ambush if it were to happen. Instead, he made his guards linger far away in the trees.

He remembered a time when he could have walked through the forest with no worries except maybe getting lost. The plants were so much greener as compared to their now almost black color and he remembered the vast number of animals that would reside within the greenery. The nightingales that would chirp and the deer that would run away when you got too close. Now the forest was filled with an eery silence and most of the life that crawled in the shadows were spiders.

The Elvenking had abandoned his robe and crown back in his chamber and was walking in a simple deep maroon tunic, his hair flowed freely down his shoulders. If the guards would describe him, they would say it was the most relaxed they had seen him in quite some time. 

Thranduil continued walking on the soft moss until the ground beneath his feet became sticky. He lifted his boot-clad foot to inspect what he had stepped on. A black goo stretched from the ground to his boot until Thranduil lifted his foot far enough that the goo snapped. Thranduil felt sick. Looking up, he found exactly what he thought he would.

Spiderwebs connected from tree to tree, creating a net. Not wanting to be on the ground, he quickly climbed a tree and stood on a strong branch. His head swiveled around him, searching for any spiders but the forest was quiet. Too quiet, almost. That was until a soft pained moan startled even his guards. 

Thranduil looked upward to find a cocoon made of web, moving slightly. His eyes narrowed as if to make sure there really was movement coming from inside. He was climbing up further before anyone could agree that there was a person in the cocoon. There was no branch Thranduil could stand on so he clung to the tree with one arm and inspected how he would get the person down. Remembering that the net of web was below them, he decided to cut the person down with one arm. He grunted as he cut through the rather hard material. 

"Are you alright, My King?" a guard asked as he looked at Thranduil from the branch below him.

"Fine," grunted the King. "Keep guard," he told him although he was already doing so. With a final effort and grunt, the cocoon fell to the net. Thranduil climbed down the tree and landed on the branch with a jump. The person had fallen in the middle of the net. He eyed the webs and pressed his foot down, he did not know if the woven webs could handle the weight of two persons. When it did not give in, Thranduil carefully made his way to the enclosure and began cutting away.

His hands stilled when he uncovered the face of an elleth. He did not know if he felt winded because of the gash upon your head or of your beauty. Even if your face was covered in dirt and dried blood, Thranduil could not deny you were beautiful. His hand itched to touch your face and he gave in, pushing your golden hair that had fallen on your closed eyes, away. The Elvenking could only presume that you were not from Mirkwood, hair that golden was rare amongst his people. He had a good guess of where you might be from. When Thranduil felt the net of web moving, he turned to find a guard coming closer. Thranduil quickly cut the rest of the cocoon from your body.

"What was an elleth doing out here alone?" the guard asked as he stood next to your body.

"I do not know," Thranduil responded. The guard knelt and began placing one hand under your knees and the other one behind your back.

"What are you doing?" Thranduil asked.

"I apologize My King. Do you not want me to carry her?"

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