TI- Imagine the day after Thranduil drunkenly told you one of his secrets

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Imagine the day after Thranduil drunkenly told you one of his secrets

A knock on your chamber door startled you from the report on your desk. The noise caused you to furrow your eyebrows in puzzlement. Rare were the times that you had visitors over. You opened the door to find a servant you had seen in the King's halls once or twice before.

"The King wishes to speak to you in his study," she said, choosing to skip a greeting. The servant stood at your door expectantly. Not knowing what was it she was waiting for, you simply gulped and nodded. Glad about your response, she left.

The Elvenking either wanted to speak to you about what had happened yesterday— when he had drunkenly told you something he probably never wanted anyone to know— or he wanted to speak to you about something related to Mirkwood. The former seemed more likely. If there were a way out of this, you would have taken it in a heartbeat, but there wasn't, and you could not keep the King waiting. Reluctantly, you stepped into the hall, closing the door behind you.

To get to the King's study, you had to make many turns. You would have never made it on your own if you did not know the King's halls like the back of your hand. You had lived there for many years that the place was very familiar to you. It was home. You felt a lump form in your throat. What if he banishes me from Mirkwood because of what I know? This horrible thought plagued your mind even as you reached the Elvenking's study.

There were two guards near the entrance who opened the heavy wooden doors when they saw you. You slowly walked in and cringed as you heard the doors loudly shut behind you. Was it too late to escape? Thranduil was facing the shelf behind his desk, his back to the door. He was not wearing a crown on his head making him seem casual even in one of his many intricate robes. He looked over his shoulder to look at the intruder and turned around fully when he noticed it was you.

"Y/N," he said, gesturing to the chair in front of his desk. Slowly, you pulled the chair out and sat down. Thranduil did the same.

"How are you this morning?" he asked. You studied him, trying to figure out if he remembered what had happened before sunrise.

"I am fine, my King. How are you?" you replied, playing along.

"I am-- well," he concluded. His face suddenly contorted as he carefully chose the words he wanted to say next. "About yesterday—" he began at the same moment you lifted both of your hands and nodded your head from side to side.

"I apologize my King. I know that you probably did not mean for anyone to know what you told me yesterday. I promise I will never tell anyone what you told me." Thranduil opened his mouth to speak, but you continued with your ramble. "If you want to banish me from Mirkwood, I— I understand," you finished off sadly.

"So it did occur," he said, more to himself than to you. He stood and began pacing back and forth.

"I will not tell anyone, my King," you repeated sternly. The Elvenking suddenly stopped pacing and stood to look at you.

"Thranduil," he said.

"Pardon?" you asked confused.

"Call me Thranduil," he explained. "I know you will not tell anyone Y/N," he said. I know you would never say or do anything that might hurt me, and I do not know why. I have not been kind to you as you have been with me. I have yelled at you more times than I can count. Why then? Surely it is not because I am King. Many of my people have turned their backs on me. Why haven't you?"

Your face felt warm. You could not tell him the real reason. That was your secret. You could not tell him that you hopelessly liked him very much. He did not feel the same way towards you; you knew that for a fact. So, you told him the next best thing.

"You are my friend," you answered. Thranduil's back went rigid at the revelation. His eyebrows momentarily creased together but relaxed. One side of his lip lifted slightly.

"Yes, a friend," he said agreeing, causing you to smile brightly. 

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