TI- Imagine arguing with Thranduil

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Imagine arguing with Thranduil 

Thranduil's advisors had let their disapproval known about your potential arranged engagement to the King the moment your father's company had sat with Thranduil himself and offered your hand to him, at your approval. Rimedur*, the advisor you had come to know as the most influential, had all but cackled at the prospect.

"Surely, my King, you are not thinking about the offer. How will your kingdom take to such a mockery? The Savage Northling becoming the queen of the Wood of the Greenleaves? Ha!"

You looked at your father with a smug grin. You had not achieved such a reputation by being ruthless to your own people. Your reputation preceded you by having killed many of Sauron's followers in the Dark Days.

"Our people cannot be acquainted with such—such barbarians."

The point of your sword was on the advisor's neck the instant the word left his thin pale lips. You were not known as a savage for threatening elves like you, but you were not going to sit around and let another elf talk lowly of your people. You were not planning to kill him but a small nick wouldn't hurt. In the back of your mind, you knew you were proving the advisor right but your pride was greater than your ability to stay calm. Behind you, Thranduil's guards had stood in defense and your guards followed suit.

"You see," the adviser squeaked.

"What I see is a fierce leader protecting her people," Thranduil had responded. "A worthy queen."

That meeting seemed to have happened ages ago. The memory briefly crossed your mind as you stood looking at Rimedur. A devious smug smile spread on his face when he noticed you had heard his entire interaction with the other adviser. You were not meant to have been there and neither you nor Rimedur were going to let the other adviser know of your presence.

"The King seems enthusiastic about the new marriage proposal. He might just marry the Lady of the West instead and rid us of the barbaric Northling," Rimedur stated with a chuckle. His eyes never left yours. You felt a red flashing anger build up inside you until it burst. The moment you stepped forward to attack the advisor, Rimedur placed his palm against the back of his acquaintance and walked away unbothered.

You were shaking with adrenaline. The familiar prickling sensation behind your eyes signaled that you were close to crying.

Thranduil was thinking of marrying another. Even after both of you had agreed to marry each other. Why did he have to wait until now to have second guesses? Why after you both had gotten to know each other so well? Given, you did argue a lot and got under each others' skin, but it was all a ruse. Both of you stubborn fools would not admit your feelings until the other caved in. That was what you had thought. The possibility that he might not like you had not even crossed your mind. It was silly, but the idea of Thranduil antagonizing anyone other than you made a painful sensation crawl in your stomach. 

Your breathing was heavy as you walked down the halls of Thranduil's cave. A maid worriedly made her way toward you when she noticed your state. Immediately, she asked if she should call the king.

"No," you heard yourself saying. The word seemed to come from anywhere but your own mouth. You could not tell if you were close to falling but the maid had an arm on you that could have easily been the only reason why you were still standing. You slipped away from her touch and continued your way down the path you had engraved in your mind after so many treks. She hopelessly called after you.

When you reached Thranduil's chamber, you did not bother knocking. He turned at the sound of the opening door. His face expressed no anger as the very first time you went into his room without knocking. He had gotten accustomed to your barging in. You had doubted whether Thranduil had really gotten to know you, but as he stood instinctively at your unhappy face, you knew with certainty that Thranduil had come to know you very well.

"Are you really thinking of marrying another?" you got out of your chest. Your breathing increased. "You would betray our alliance? My people?" Me? you thought. Your voice increased in volume with every question as you neared Thranduil, almost ending in a growl. 

"Who told you this?" he asked. There was a slight crease between his eyebrows.

"Never mind who told me this!" you yelled. "Why?" the question sounded pathetic even to your own ears. 

"What are they offering you that we did not offer?" What does she have that I do not

"Are you not okay with the vast lands you already have and will acquire from us? Do they have a stronger army? What is it, Thranduil? Tell me!" 

His lips crashed unto yours before you could sputter out more words. He moved his lips against yours with a passion that had he not had an arm wrapped securely on your back, you would have surely fallen.

"You are a fool...," he said, looking at your eyes intently. You quickly opened your mouth to insult him back. "If you think that after all this time, after suffering every day because you get under my skin, after putting up with every one of your disputes, after fulfilling every one of your whims, that I would even think of replacing you. Do you not get it?" His chest heaved at his sudden outburst. You stared at him dumbfounded, with a rapidly beating heart.

"Then why did I hear—?"

"Because another offer did arise. One that I immediately rejected given that I—"

"I love you," you interjected. Thranduil's eyebrows furrowed further as his eyes looked down to your lips. A corner of his lifted, his face instantly relaxing.

"Given that I love you," he said, meeting your eyes. You grabbed either side of his face and kissed his lower lip with an urgency. 

"I would never leave you," he reassured. "Never." 

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*Rimedur (ree-may-dur) means August

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