TI- Imagine Thranduil taking care of toddler!Legolas

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Imagine Thranduil taking care of toddler!Legolas

This can be considered a second part to "Imagine Thranduil's reaction after you gave birth to his child"
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    Even before Eru blessed your husband and yourself with Legolas, you knew in your heart that Thranduil would be a great father. Though there was something you never had anticipated, and that was just how much joy your little boy would bring his ada. Now a walking toddler, Legolas was a handful yet Thranduil never once complained. In fact, your husband would ignore his responsibilities to look after the little rascal much to the dismay of his advisors. You offered to take care of your child so Thranduil could get work done but he would only dismiss you, causing you to shake your head and smile every time. Now it appeared that you had acquired the job of stalling Thranduil's advisors.

    You sat on your throne listening intently to the complaints of the public as the residents waited in a long line for their turn to speak with you. Someone from your peripheral vision walked toward you, cutting everyone in line.

    "My Queen, I apologize for interrupting you but there are important tasks at hand that need revising and I am afraid I cannot find the King anywhere. Would you be so kind as to tell me where his majesty might be?"

    "Advisor Handion*. I will tell my husband to find you when I see him," you replied and gestured for the elleth he had interrupted, to continue. Not understanding that he was dismissed, the advisor spoke once more.

    "My Lady, if you would simply tell me where he is I could go find him right now without having to disturb you further," he stated.

    "Advisor, I will tell my husband that you are looking for him when I see him," you repeated. The advisor opened his mouth to retort making you inch your head forward, daring him to say something else. "If it is so important then by all means," you gestured to one of the guards and he came to your side at your command. "Please, will you bring me a chair for Advisor Handion." As the guard went to get a chair, Handion looked to you confused but you gave no explanation until the guard came back and set the chair where you told him to.

"By all means have a seat and listen to every one of these residents until I come back from telling my husband that you need him." As you stood and excused yourself to everyone, the advisor looked at you dumbfounded. You had to walk quickly before you could involuntarily laugh at his expression. Handion had not been able to find your husband because he was looking in all the places in which Thranduil should have been taking care of business. He did not think to check Legolas' nursery. The room was chosen for its seclusion and its passageway to your chamber. The room was the single one in a long corridor with only one entrance, making it easier to guard.

Seeing their Queen, the two guards moved toward the side to let you through. As you got closer to the room, you could hear your husband's quiet throaty laugh. You felt fuzziness in your chest and could not help but grin. Laughing seemed to be something he would do daily as of late.

    "Although it looks quite well on you, that is not meant for your head Legolas," Thranduil said from inside the room, you could not fathom why but you knew he was smiling. You opened the door slowly and caught a glimpse of your little boy with an open book on his head. He was babbling cutely while he walked toward his ada who was sitting on the floor.

    "Well aren't you a sight?" you asked Legolas. Upon hearing your voice, he smiled and dropped the book. He quickly waddled your way with his arms in the air wanting you to carry him.

    "I should have realized I was not the only one who was missing you," Thranduil told you, making you smile bashfully. Though it seemed Legolas had not missed you that much as he began jerking around, silently telling you to put him down. When he was finally standing on the floor, he giggled loudly and waddled back toward his bookcase.

    "I missed you both as well," you told Thranduil when you sat beside him and gave him a gentle kiss. "So much so that I tricked Advisor Handion to hear the citizens' complaints. He has been looking for you," you stated.

    "Then he shall keep looking," he leaned toward you and placed his lips softly on your own. "I do not plan on leaving my son any time soon." Wrapping an arm around you, Thranduil gently pulled you toward him. Instinctively, you nuzzled against him. Turning your head slightly so that your nose was against the warmth of his chest. The both of you stayed that way, looking at your son play. You could not think of a better way to spend your time. However, you hoped the advisor was doing an alright job.

    Both you and your husband could not help but laugh at Legolas' actions as he walked around the room curiously looking at items and jabbering happily. Getting a sudden spurt of energy, Legolas began waddling quickly. Not being able to keep up with his own steps, he tripped and toppled to the hard ground. In the moment of impact, Thranduil involuntarily gasped causing Legolas to look at him with frightened eyes. The negative reaction of your husband was enough for your little boy to begin wailing. Your husband got up quicker than you could turn to look at him. Legolas was not yet in his arms when Thranduil had already started cooing reassurances at him. Your husband picked Legolas up from the floor and clutched him against his chest, one hand on his little head and the other patting his back lightly. He began rocking the child in his arms and continued cooing at him in a whispered tone.

    "Shh shh. It is alright. You are okay," you heard him tell your son. Before long, the wailing stopped and babbling altogether. "He is asleep," Thranduil mouthed when he turned your way. You looked at him in surprise. You could never get him to sleep so easily. Thranduil slowly and carefully set Legolas on his mattress and covered him in a knitted blanket. When he thought the baby was comfortable enough, he leaned down and gave Legolas a kiss on his forehead. You did not think it was possible but you felt yourself fall more in love with him. Eru had most definitely blessed you.
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*Handion means intelligent

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