TI- Imagine Thranduil being there for you during...

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Imagine Thranduil being there for you during a rough time in your life

Caution: PG-13, angst, and mention of miscarriage.

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Legolas had the audacity to look at you only after he had finished asking the King permission to leave the Wood of the Greenleaves for a mission. This was the first time you had heard of this plan. You moved in the thick wooden chair you were sitting on, suddenly uncomfortable. Aside from the King sitting two seats down from you, the long dining table was empty.

Legolas stood beside Thranduil on the opposite side of you, tapping his foot against the stone floor. The lanterns hanging on thin chains from the ceiling cast a bright orange light. If you chose to look up at either of them, you would see their expressions clearly.

"As the King, I would prefer that you sought the mission out Legolas. Though as your father I will remind you that you have other things to consider. You no longer only need my permission to leave. You just got married. Have you asked Y/N if she is okay with you leaving?" The fact that Thranduil was speaking of you as if you weren't in the room made you cringe internally.

"I did not think there would be a possibility that she would object," Legolas responded. You could feel Legolas' eyes boring unto you. He did not think you would object because had the roles been reversed, he would have eagerly accepted your departure. That was the difference between Legolas and you. You actually cared about him whereas he did not care for you. Had you known he did not care, you would not have been quick to agree on your marriage arrangement.

Both Thranduil and Legolas waited for a response. You looked at Thranduil. He already knew what you were going to say. The King moved his head slightly, asking you silently if you were certain. You nodded.

"I have no objection," you stated. Legolas left the room almost immediately after thanking his father and you. You told yourself that you should not let it bother you how quick he was to leave but it was easier said than done.

"Why did you agree?" Thranduil asked quietly even when Legolas had already left the room.

"I do not want him to hate me."

"Legolas could never hate you."

"Maybe not, but he could resent me forever which is far worse."

The sound of your nails tapping against the wooden desk filled your otherwise quiet room. You immediately removed your hand from the surface. Tapping your fingers was an absentmindedly bad habit you would pick up whenever you had a lot on your mind.

"Princess?" it was a maid.

"Yes?" you answered too quickly as if you had been caught doing something inappropriate.

"Are you certain you are well?" she asked.

"Yes, I am completely fine," you lied. Having heard you vomiting earlier did not help convince her. It was getting harder to pretend you were feeling well as the days went by. The mornings were the worst. One wrong smell could cause you to remain rooted near a bucket, dry-heaving or worse.

The night of consummation had been enough. No one knew you were with child, not even Thranduil. You wished you had known sooner and not have allowed Legolas to leave. This thought plagued your mind, caused you to relive the conversation from the dining room in your mind every day.

The maid got closer and reached for the empty cup on your desk. She smelled of rosemary. The scent was overwhelming. You felt the familiar sensation of turning in your stomach. You were out of your chair in an instant. The sound of the wooden chair crashing against stone pierced the silence. You grabbed the bucket the moment your knees hit the ground. Breathing deeply, you tried to calm yourself but the sensation of wanting to vomit was prominent.

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