TI- Imagine waking up in Middle-earth (not knowing anything about it) and...

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Imagine waking up in Middle-earth (not knowing anything about it) and meeting Thranduil

You were dreaming. Or so you thought.

This was a strange dream. There was no one else. There was nothing. The dream was vacant and pitch black, but you could hear voices. Even as the voices grew louder in pitch sounding angry, they were lovely.

The voices continued to rise in volume, beginning to frighten you. Where are the voices coming from? A strange sensation began at your side and with a jolt, you awoke. You lay taking in your surroundings. I am still dreaming, you thought as you stared at the ceiling that had a funky texture in dark greens and black. No, that was not right. It wasn't a ceiling. You turned your head to inspect your surroundings more.

A bloodcurdling scream escaped your lips when you took in the ten men with long hair who were aiming arrows straight at you. You sat immediately and instinctively scooted yourself away, your body shaking with fright.

*"lle ier sinome ten'?" the man closest to you shouted in your direction. You stared with wide eyes at the man. You had no idea what he was saying or what language he was speaking. "lle ier sinome ten'?" the man shouted louder.

"I'm sorry! I do not understand," you squeaked in the brink of tears. The man shouted at another person in the same language, causing the other to approach.

"What is a female of the race of man doing trespassing the Woodland Realm, home of the Elvenking Thranduil?" He asked.

"What?" was all that came out of your lips. "Who are you? Where have you taken me?" you asked hysterically as the situation sunk in. "What do you want from me?"

"I want to know why a female of the race of man trespassed into the Woodland Realm!" he shouted.

"Trespassed? You kidnapped me! I do not have any money. I don't know what you want from me!" you said shakily. A sob managed to erupt from your mouth. The men looked at you peculiarly and conversed in their language.

I'm going to die, you thought. This is how I'm going to die. You wondered what someone in your situation had to do. Try to escape? That was impossible with the arrows pointing at your head. Noticing that the men were bickering, you took a moment to inspect them. They all had long hair. Some had golden locks, some had brown, and all wore braids.

"What the—" you heard yourself say when you noticed that they all had pointy ears. Their outfits weren't normal either. All wore tunics in several hues of browns and greens. Then it finally clicked.

"Is this a prank?" you shouted, now standing up. You were no longer scared; you were completely and utterly mad. Not even the arrows that followed your every move could destroy your new found courage now. "What kind of sick joke is this? It is illegal to kidnap people!" You took turns pointing at the men with your right pointer finger. Your other hand was curled in a fist and was planted firmly above your left hip. Some of the men shouted something in their native tongue. If you had known the language they were speaking; you would have heard something between the lines of "psychotic mortal."

"I am calling the police!" you shouted. Only then did you notice that your phone was no longer in your jean pocket. You gulped nervously. The men continued bickering. You had no idea what was being spoken, but they sounded unsure. Just as unsure as felt about your destination. Where had these people taken you? There were many many trees.

You told yourself you were in a park, knowing full well it wasn't. It was a forest. Deep down you knew that you were no longer in New York. This made you more frightened than ever before.

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