Chapter 30

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Hello readers...

After a long time, finally I am posting Ryan's pov...

I can't assure that you would understand the whole story now...

You have to keep reading to run to a conclusion..

The chapter is short..

But I hope u will like it...

So let's get started...


I just arrived at the college.
I don't know where Aiden and James had gone early morning. They didn't even told me. These both boys are being brat now. Now they don't share anything with me and don't spend time with me like we used to do.

Right now I am in parking lot sitting on my bike, waiting for those jerks.
They might arrive here soon.
I don't know why both of them being so friendly with that girl all of a sudden. They started spending time with her and looked so comfortable as well.
When they know how much I despise her, then how could they spent time with her. And she is such a smart lady, she even trapped Alex in her cage.

I can't believe that yesterday, Aiden and James left me and sat with them.
They left me with that annoying creature Adele.
They are my friends , they should hangout with them. And they also know that I don't talk to Alex too, still they went to them , leaving me that filthy creature.

What black magic had she done to those three boys that they got trapped in her cage so easily.

They all seemed so happy together like they were old friends. And there I was sitting with this creature, who just want to rip off my shirt. I mean the way she is purposely moving her hands up and down my chest, I really feel like slapping her hard that she will always remember how to behave with me.
But when my eyes met with that girl sitting with Alex, I noticed her momentarily glancing at me and the way a frown appeared on her face early depicted that she was getting affected by my closeness with Adele.

But why?

Well why not use this to piss her off more.
So I let Adele do whatever she wanted.
And that filthy creature didn't miss her chance. Adele ate half fries from the plate in front of us and showed the other half in my mouth. I literally felt like puking but when I saw that girl looking at me I smirked at her direction. And the way she hastily averted her gaze to the other side indicated my victory.
I am winning this game.

Suddenly they all got engrossed in their talk and no one was looking at me. Suddenly Alex put his hand around her shoulder.

Why is he being so cosy with her?
Is he her boyfriend?

Whatever, I couldn't care less about him.
I don't give a fuck about what they are or what they do.

But I don't know why I feel a kind of sting inside me , when their closeness increased.
I shouldn't feel this way.

Anger rose inside me due to an unknown reason and I pushed Adele aside and stood up, banging my hand on the table, which surely got their attention. And then left.

I don't know why I behaved that way .

Suddenly Adele also came following me and tried to be clingy again. I hold her hand tightly to keep her way from me and warned her ,"Stay the fuck away from me, you get that. "

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