Chapter 63

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Suddenly we heard Ryan's voice and we all stormed inside Jennie's room at once. When we entered the room we saw doctor standing near Jennie's bed Ryan was unconscious in his wheelchair. Aiden moved towards Ryan to get him back to his room for his treatment and I went towards the doctor.

Though I was immensely petrified by Ryan's reaction now, something really bad might have happened but I still managed to keep my thoughts at bay and collecting all the strength left in myself I asked the doctor, "What happened doctor?"

The doctor looked straight into my eyes and the way his expression changed somber, a pit inside my heart was ready to swallow me up with sorrow.
For that millisecond his expressions were enough to tell that something bad, very bad had happened and this was my mistake.
After a millisecond which felt like hours at that time the doctor sighed and finally opened his mouth and spit such heart killing words that bruised my whole being," She has gone in coma due to severe damage in her brain."

I felt devastated will be an understatement, because what I felt can never be explained through words. I wished that it should be me in place of her. If I could change what had happened with her by giving my own life then I was ready to do that.

I wished that it would be just a nightmare and suddenly I would wake up and be greeted by her cheerful smile in the college. But sadly this nightmare was now the reality of my life. And this nightmare will haunt me for the rest of my life. Because eventually, this happened because of me. If I would not have left her then, she would not have ended in such a state.

The silence in that room felt like piercing my soul. I couldn't keep up with myself and my legs felt weak. The most expected tear finally left its tunnel and rolled down my cheeks depicting my emotions unguarded.
James was standing behind me, he put his hand on my shoulder and gave me a little squeeze.

I asked the doctor, "How much time will she take to come out of the coma?"

That freaking doctor again gave me the same expression and my thoughts went wild by watching.
He said, "We can't say anything. Maybe she can get better in a week or a month or maybe a year or years."
After that, the doctor left the room after breaking my whole world with his piercing words.

Just then James came in front of me and said, "You have to be strong Alex. This is not your fault, okay. Maybe this was destined to happen. Don't blame yourself and don't break like this. We have to take care of Ryan also. He is so much devastated by this news."

I unintentionally hugged him tightly. And let out my tears to show my weakness to him. I needed to talk to someone because the thunderstorm erupting inside me was wrecking me in the worst way.
I cried out as much as possible. And he gave me time to let me out.
By now I forgot what I was doing or saying. I was out of my mind and my sane part becomes totally numb.

I pulled away from him and whispered more to myself, "I loved her."
He gasped while standing at some distance. He quickly made me face and him and asked with his shocked expressions, "What did you say?"

I repeated, "I fucking loved her. I can't live now with the guilt that because of me my only loved one is suffering like this."

He held my shoulders and shook me, "What the fuck are you talking Alex? You that she is Ryan's girlfriend. He loves her then how could you?"

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